Японский чай матча: в чем польза зеленого напитка

Japanese matcha tea or matcha – traditional green tea from the land of the rising sun. It is made from powdered tencha leaves. Widely used in tea ceremonies. The bright pistachio-colored powder is also used as an additive to Japanese desserts, ice cream, smoothies, yoghurts, cereals and cosmetics.

Although this drink is considered Japanese, the tradition of brewing it originated in ancient China. During the Chinese Tang Dynasty, people first steamed, then roasted and powdered tea leaves. After that, they pressed them into briquettes, poured boiling water over them and added a little mint and salt.

For the formation of foam, the drink was whipped with a whisk. In Japan, such tea was brought by the Zen Buddhist monk Eisai, after which the tradition of its brewing took root well in the land of the rising sun.

Matcha has a rich, delicate, slightly sweet taste, deep aroma and delicate foam. This drink not only gives great pleasure, but also brings great benefits to the body, which one you will find out in the material of the Internet publication estet-portal.com.

1. Japanese Matcha Tea: Health Benefits of the Green Drink
2. How to Prepare and Drink Japanese Matcha Tea

Japanese matcha tea: health benefits of a green drink

Young tencha leaves are covered with rice straw before harvesting. It protects the tea bushes from direct sunlight. As a result, the leaves retain their dark saturated color and absorb a huge amount of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Japanese matcha tea is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world.

One cup of this drink contains:

• squirrels – serve as building material for cells;

• potassium – supports metabolic processes;

• calcium – strengthens bones and teeth;

• iron – participates in the production of hemoglobin;

• vitamins A and C – support the immune system and improve skin condition;

• fiber – contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Since a person eats tea leaves along with Japanese tea, the body is fully saturated with antioxidants, which are 7 times more in a green drink than in dark chocolate, 60 more than in spinach, and 137 times more than in regular green tea.

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The benefits of Japanese matcha tea are invaluable:

• increases immunity – catechins contained in the green drink have an immunostimulating effect. Therefore, it is useful to drink it in cold and flu season;

• speeds up metabolism – after drinking Japanese tea, fats are oxidized in the body, due to which metabolic processes are accelerated. And this, in turn, leads to the loss of extra pounds. Therefore, it is useful to drink matcha for those who want to have a slim figure;

• prevents cardiovascular diseases – as recent studies show, a green drink reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and, accordingly, serves as a prevention of stroke, heart attack, and other serious diseases;

• prevents the development of cancer – due to the same powerful antioxidants catechins, the destruction of free radicals, which are closely related to the formation of cancer cells, occurs;

• cleanses the body of toxins & ndash; since Japanese tea leaves grow in the shade, they contain a huge concentration of chlorophyll and fiber. These components contribute to the detoxification process;

• has antiseptic properties – Japanese matcha tea perfectly disinfects the throat with sore throat. It also helps with bleeding gums;

• stimulates the brain – L-theanine, present in the composition of the drink, improves concentration and memory. At the same time, it relaxes and relieves stress. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Japanese students drink this drink during the sessions;

• slows down the aging process – due to the regular consumption of a Japanese drink rich in vitamins and minerals, there are many centenarians in Japan;

• protects the skin and improves its appearance – antioxidants and polyphenols found in green tea neutralize the effect of free radicals, and also protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, wind and other negative environmental influences;

The rest of the Japanese matcha tea at the bottom of the cup perfectly moisturizes the skin and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes and neck.

• energizes for the whole day – Like coffee, matcha is high in caffeine. But it does not give impetuous, but more calm energy, which allows you to focus on the important.

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How to prepare and drink Japanese matcha tea

In order to absorb all the beneficial elements of green tea, you need to properly prepare and drink it.

Before brewing a drink, a quality matcha powder should be selected. It, as a rule, has a bright green color, does not contain "chemistry"; and a huge amount of lead, is expensive, and also comes from Japan.

To make Japanese matcha tea you will need:

• measuring cup;
• bowl tyavan made of ceramics or porcelain;
• bamboo measuring spoon tyasaka or teaspoon;
• chasen bamboo whisk;
• strainer.

Green drink is prepared in 2 ways:

  1. Weak tea or usucha. Warm up and dry the bowl thoroughly from moisture, pour 2 measured or 1 tsp into it. tea leaves. Then fill everything with hot water, but not boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished tea should be thick and light green with a slightly bitter taste.
  2. Strong tea or koitha. Preheat the bowl and dry it. Then pour 4 measured or 2 tsp into it. powder and pour 50 ml of water. Mix everything slowly and thoroughly. The finished drink has a viscous and thick texture with foam on top, as well as a tart-sweet taste.

It is better to drink a ready-made drink without sugar, milk and other additives. The optimal time for tea drinking – morning. After all, it is at this time that the body best absorbs vitamins, minerals and other useful elements.

It can also be drunk at other times of the day. However, it is not recommended to consume it 4 hours before bedtime, as it contains caffeine, which may cause difficulty falling asleep.

Japanese matcha tea

– a drink worth trying. It saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals, prevents dangerous diseases, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, stimulates the brain, rejuvenates, invigorates and infects with energy.

матча чайIt is especially recommended to drink it for those who are associated with physical and mental labor: athletes, schoolchildren and students. But those who cannot tolerate some components of the drink and suffer from hypertension should refrain from it.

Drink tea of ​​the land of the rising sun to your health!

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