5 проверенных способов, как избавиться от сильного храпа

According to statistics, 45% of the adult population periodically snores in their sleep and 25% — constantly, thereby depriving others of a night's rest. Snoring — the main symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a life-threatening condition. A person suffering from sleep apnea regularly stops breathing during sleep. Their frequency can reach up to fifty per night, and the duration can be from a few seconds to a minute, which puts the patient in danger, and makes the whole world look for remedies for severe snoring.

Symptoms and causes of heavy snoring

Snoring is nothing more than hyperventilation of the lungs, when the movement of the soft tissues of the pharynx narrows the respiratory channels. This makes it difficult for air to pass through them. As a result, a person begins to make sounds hated by everyone. To properly deal with this shortcoming, you need to set:

  • causes of heavy snoring
  • symptoms of diseases that lead to it.

Causes of heavy snoring

  1. Incorrect sleeping position. Snoring often occurs if a person sleeps on the back.This position contributes to hyperventilation of the lungs. To solve this problem, it is enough turn the sleeping person on his side.

  2. Obesity. Excess soft tissues in the throat area create a barrier to the passage of air through them. The solution to this issue will only be getting rid of excess weight.

  3. Alcohol use. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on  throat muscles. Snoring in this case is inevitable. Solution to the problem: refuse alcohol in the evening.

  4. Structural features. Narrow airways, long uvula, deviated septum or soft palate can cause snoring. Emphasizes estet-portal.com. The solution to the problem:  surgical operation, due to which excess soft tissues of the mouth and throat can be removed.

  5. The presence of diseases of various origins. The most serious of all causes, requiring immediate medical attention.


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Symptoms accompanying heavy snoring

Snoring can be both a consequence and a harbinger of some diseases, listening to which you can diagnose:

  • colds or allergies accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • tonsillitis or adenoids;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS);
  • benign or malignant tumors. 

Therefore, if this trouble accompanies you for a long time, you should not let everything take its course, but you should contact an experienced specialist.

Apnea: heavy snoring during sleep as a harbinger of a stroke

But most often snoring indicates obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAS - from the English "Sleep apnel syndrome"). It is not difficult to recognize this ailment: a snorer in a dream suddenly freezes for several minutes, and then begins to make sounds with even more whistling. The reason for this — adhesion of the muscles of the oral cavity and pharynx, which leads to respiratory arrest or the so-called apnea. If we consider that up to 500 stops of breathing are recorded per night, each of which lasts at least 10 seconds, it turns out that during the night the breathing of a person is interrupted for up to two hours or more.

Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

The main symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include:

  • strong snoring;
  • breathing during sleep:
  • high pressure;
  • lethargy and drowsiness during the day;
  • forgetfulness, irritability, low concentration;
  • neck circumference in women over 40 cm and men — 43 cm.


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The insidiousness of sleep apnea lies in the fact that it causes complications of the cardiovascular system. Most of these patients suffer from high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Read also: Entertaining physiology: breathing technique and causes of snoring

Apnea can be treated. To do this, special devices are used that, under pressure, supply air to the respiratory tract of a person during sleep. 

Methods of struggle  and preventive measures against heavy snoring

There are several ways to deal with the symptoms of heavy snoring. They apply depending on what is causing it:

  • Surgery. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty allows you to adjust the soft tissues of the mouth and throat so that they do not block the airways. Laser surgery and somnoplasty — more expensive operations. In the first case, a laser is used, in the second — radio waves.
  • Anti-snoring strips help widen the wings of the nose, making it easier for air to pass through.
  • Special devices for the nasopharynx or mouth are selected by the doctor after determining the cause of snoring.
  • The Buteyko method. It is based on the harmonization of the respiratory function, which allows you to achieve a good result.
  • Exercise.Special exercises strengthen the muscles of the nasopharynx:
  1. Move your jaw back and forth, up to 30 times.
  2. Pronounce the vowel "and" while tensing the muscles of the nasopharynx and neck.
  3. Poke your tongue out as far as possible until you feel muscle tension at its base. After that, try to stick your tongue as far down your throat as possible. Perform each exercise 30 times.

Preventive measures to prevent severe snoring

In order not to disturb your bedmate at night, you can take the following measures:

  • In the evening, before going to bed, clear the nasopharynx with saline or vasoconstrictor drops. Gargle with it to reduce swelling;
  • sleep on your side with your head on the pillow;
  • avoid alcohol in the evening;
  • do not overeat before bed;
  • avoid sedatives and antihistamines before bed.

And most importantly — see a doctor in time. The appearance of snoring indicates a serious health problem, the solution of which requires special medical attention.

After all, snoring can not only destroy a happy family, but also stop the heart. And this should never be allowed, agrees estet-portal.com.

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