DASH-диета: лучшая система питания для здоровья

What do you associate the word "diet" with? For most people — with severe dietary restrictions and almost a hunger strike, which you need to courageously endure for some period of time in order to lose weight.

Meanwhile, professional nutritionists do not get tired of repeating that a real diet — this is a system of proper and balanced nutrition, which helps not only to lose weight, but also to bring health back to normal.

The world-famous DASH diet.

Do you want to know what she is? How to eat to live longer and stay young and healthy, and even keep a figure at the same time? Then read the article estet-portal.com!

1. What is the essence of the DASH diet and how it is useful
2. The basic principles of nutrition in the DASH diet
3. How to make a DASH diet

What is the essence of the DASH diet and how it is useful

As we said above, the DASH diet — this is not just a diet cut, it is a balanced and proper nutrition system based on healthy foods. Many international health organizations have recognized it as the #1 diet in the world for those who want to improve and maintain health.

Although this diet also helps smoothly and gradually (without harm to the body) to lose weight, doctors all over the world (especially cardiologists) appreciate it, first of all, for its invaluable benefits for health.

The diet got its name from the acronym DASH

, which stands for "Dietary approach to stop hypertension", that is, a dietary approach to stopping hypertension. It is not for nothing that this is a favorite diet of cardiologists, because such a nutrition system solves many problems with the cardiovascular system and not only.

The main "chip" DASH diets

— lowering high pressure. It is also very effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. This effect kills three birds with one stone: reduces weight, prevents strokes and heart disease, and is a powerful prevention of diabetes.

Major Benefits of the DASH Diet

— in its balance and saturation of the diet with all important micro and macro elements. Since it is recommended to observe such a regimen for life, you will not have to starve. It is quite possible to eat tasty, nutritious and varied. Main — observe the basic principles of diet formation and minimize salt intake (this is the main postulate of the DASH diet).

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Instagram. Basic nutrition principles for the DASH diet

In many ways, the

DASH diet

is similar to the normal healthy diet that is recommended for everyone. That is, you need to eat often, but in small portions — 5 times a day for 200-215 g. You also need to drink plenty of clean water — up to 2 liters per day. The calorie content of the diet should be reduced to 2-2.5 thousand calories per day (depending on activity and gender).

You will have to say goodbye to typical junk food (fast food, smoked meats, pickles and canned food, fatty foods and rich pastries), preferably forever.

But there's some good news:

The DASH diet

allows its adherents some nice liberties that are forbidden on any strict diets. For example, the emphasis in the diet is not only on lean meats, vegetables and legumes, but also on cereals (so whole grain bread is welcome on the menu!), which have become “outsiders”; in many newfangled low-carb and gluten-free diets.

Snacks are also allowed between the five main meals (up to 8 times!), but only if at first you are not used to being tormented by acute hunger. Then the volume of the stomach will decrease to

healthy norm, and 5 meals will be enough to saturate. Tea and coffee are not prohibited within reasonable limits. On the DASH diet, you can generally drink any drinks, except for alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

And the most pleasant — several times a week you can afford healthy sweets! Also within reasonable limits, of course (and not pastries, as you remember).

The two main tenets of the DASH diet are: a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol (after all, how else to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels?), as well as reducing the amount of salt consumed in food to 2/3 teaspoon per day.

So if you are used to keeping a salt shaker on hand and generously pouring it into all your plates or you love salted fish and pickled cucumbers, then at first you, of course, will have a hard time. But health is more important, so build


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How to make a DASH diet

Formation of the diet according to the

DASH diet

has certain principles.

A staple on your table from now on — cereals and grains.

There should be ideally 7 servings per day. One serving of this product is considered half a cup of ready-made porridge or durum wheat pasta (half a cup — is about 100 g), or a slice of whole grain bread.

Garden and garden gifts are considered second in importance

— they should be consumed 5 servings per day (both).

Serving of vegetables — half a cup.

They can be fresh, boiled or stewed. Portion of fruit — this is either 1 fresh fruit, or half a glass of natural juice (not packaged!), Or a quarter of a glass (about 50 g) of dried fruits.

Animal squirrels

take a more modest position. Lean meat and fish, as well as eggs, can be eaten no more than 200 g per day. Protein and vegetables are topped with 3 servings of fat per day. A serving is one teaspoon of any oil (vegetable or butter).

You should also consume 2-3 servings of some kind of low-fat dairy product daily. One serving is 50 g of cheese, 150 ml of milk or fermented milk drinks.

You should also include 5 servings a week of beans, nuts and various seeds in your diet . Portion for one time — 40 g.

As we mentioned above, sometimes sweets are allowed. Sweet means 5 servings per week of honey or jam (1 serving — 1 teaspoon). If you can completely refuse sweet — so much the better.

Based on this diet, it will be easy for you to create a DASH diet menu for yourself. By the way, there are many recipes for dishes for the DASH menu on the Internet.
If you find it difficult to drastically change your usual diet, slowly give up harmful foods and introduce healthy ones into your diet. Losing weight can reduce the daily menu by 1-2 servings of each product.

Losing weight on the
DASH diet

is very beneficial for the body, as the body will not be stressed by gradual, smooth and

healthy weight loss. In addition, you will not suffer from hunger, which often provokes attacks of gluttony in the future, which means that you will protect yourself from sudden and harmful weight gains. And remember the main thing: DASH diet — this is not a temporary measure. It's a way of life. Only with long-term observance you will keep your figure, youth and health for many years!

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