Диета по цвету: меню на неделю, преимущества, ограничения

No matter how much you try the diets offered by our portal, we will always have something to surprise you with. Today we will talk about a fun way to lose weight – diet by color, offers estet-portal.com. Its essence is that on a certain day of the week you eat only foods of a certain color, and their number is not limited.

They can be prepared in a way that is convenient for you: make juices and smoothies, boil, stew, eat raw, prepare salads and mashed potatoes. In addition to cleansing your body and getting the substances it needs, you will also lose extra pounds. This weight loss method is not fast, but very pleasant.

Key aspects of the diet by color

All the products that you are going to use are divided into six main groups. The main sign of the definition in one or another group – is the color of the consumed product. Its color itself determines what substances make it up.

The Color Diet refers to the Max Gerson diet, which has been in existence in America for over 50 years and is based on phytonutrients found in all foods. It does not only help to lose weight, but also to improve the whole body as a whole.

Phytonutrients  - these are just those substances that make vegetables and fruits turn into certain colors. Summer time and the beginning of autumn is just the time to try out the effect of such a diet, when nature gives us all kinds of berries, fruits and vegetables.

It is better to alternate the diet with a mixed food system: a week – by color, a week of habitual diet.

By rebuilding your menu in this way, you will replenish the balance of missing vitamins and trace elements, as well as lose a couple of kilograms per month, without straining at all.

Basic Diet Menu by Color

The benefits of this diet include:

  • variety of product range,
  • menu balance,
  • no need to calculate calories,
  • no restriction on food intake (quantity),
  • there is a good mood from the variety of colors – color therapy.

Read also: How to lose 6 kilos in a week: buckwheat diet for 7 days

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First day - White Monday

On this day we eat: potatoes, rice, eggs, a whole range of low-fat dairy products, cauliflower, durum wheat pasta, onions, white meat, coconut.

Most of these products are antioxidants, reduce sugar and cholesterol levels, and have a beneficial effect on blood pressure.

The main effect: cleansing the body, removing toxins and toxins, stimulating the intestines.

Second day  - red tuesday

We use red foods: tomatoes, red berries, watermelon, all red fruits and grapes, red hot peppers, bell peppers, a glass of red wine, red fish, beets, grapefruit, etc.

Red foods contain lycopene, which helps fight cancer and prevent aging.

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The main effect: after a cleansing day, we give energy to the body, improve blood circulation, increase overall tone and activate muscles.

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Third day - Green Wednesday

On this day we eat: greens, broccoli, lettuce, seaweed, Brussels sprouts, green tea, green spices, celery, rhubarb, kiwi, green peas, cucumbers, chickpeas, green apples, gooseberries, green grapes.

Chlorophyll and magnesium give green color to products. In addition, such products support the visual organs well.

Read: Dr. Ornisha's Diet: Lifestyle Can Even Change Genes

Main effect: relieving nervous tension, sedation and relaxation, activating digestion, reducing headache attacks.

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Fourth day – orange thursday

This day is marked by the use of: orange tomatoes, oranges, peaches, apricots, carrots, sea buckthorn tea, pumpkin. The beta-carotene that accompanies this color takes care of vision and muscles, protects the skin from sunlight, and helps strengthen the immune system.

Main effect: stimulation of brain activity, improvement of emotional background, weight loss.

Fifth day – purple friday

We eat: plums, eggplants, all purple berries (blueberries, blackberries, blueberries), red cabbage, figs, dark raisins.

There is a slowdown in metabolism, but the intake of these products activates thinking and intuition. This color in products prevents Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, slows down aging and the development of oncology.

The main effect: calming the nervous system and activating thinking, improving blood circulation.

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Sixth day – yellow saturday

We select for the table: corn, cheeses, honey, egg yolk, lemons, mustard, yellow zucchini and tomatoes, persimmons, yellow plums, cherry plums, apples, pineapples and some beer.

The yellow color gives foods potassium, which prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Main effect: This color promotes concentration and gives self-confidence.

Seventh day – transparent resurrection

On this day, a complete abstinence from eating any food is supposed. Drink all day water, only purified, not carbonated. Per day – 3 liters of fluid.

The main task is to unload the body.

In addition, follow these rules:

  • don't eat refined sugar,
  • last meal 3 hours before bedtime,
  • if you have allergies or diabetes, don't go on this diet,
  • it is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women,
  • For chronic diseases, consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

Try this colorful food diet and share your experience at estet-portal.com.

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