Диета при артрите: как с помощью питания помочь костям и суставам

Arthritis is a common disease not only among the elderly. Young people are increasingly complaining of pain and crunching in the joints, many are diagnosed with – arthritis.

The doctor will definitely prescribe complex therapy, but nutritional correction will not be superfluous. estet-portal.com offers to understand the features of the menu and show what it is – arthritis diet. It is important that the products should be selected taking into account the type of disease.

Because what is acceptable menu for rheumatoid arthritis may be forbidden for the traumatic type and vice versa.


Diet for Arthritis: Understanding the Basic Principles

Some people believe that adjusting the diet when bones and joints hurt is ineffective, but this is not so.

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Proper nutrition for arthritis allows you to:

•    reduce inflammation;

•    remove other symptoms of the disease;

•    to prevent negative consequences;

•    speed up the healing process.

For any type of arthritis, the task of the diet – This is to saturate the body with fats and other useful trace elements. Healthy bones, cartilage and joints cannot be imagined without polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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Omega-3s can help repair cartilage and prevent inflammation. Mostly fatty acids predominate in such varieties of fish as mackerel, sardine, salmon, herring, a large amount of them in linseed oil.

Diet for arthritis: table for rheumatoid type

The task of nutrition in this type of illness – this is to reduce inflammation and prevent the development of a new one.

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Therefore, consider the following:

•    determine your body mass index to calculate the allowable rate of proteins, carbohydrates and fats;

•    fats in the diet should be dominated by vegetable;

•    avoid sweets;

•    remove salted and smoked foods from the diet;

•    No fried food.

The provocateur of the disease is the substance solanine, which contains:

•    in tomatoes;

•    in potatoes;

•    in eggplant;

•    in pepper.

There must be steamed, boiled or baked dishes on the table. The restriction should be put on sugar and salt, as well as minimizing the use of pastries and citrus.

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Rheumatoid arthritis: how to eat when sick

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When it comes to rheumatism of the joints, it is worth noting that salt, red meats and fast carbohydrates will have to be abandoned, but protein should prevail in the diet, you can follow the diet No. 10-A according to Pevzner.

It is advisable to compose a menu from the following products:

•    milk;

•    kefir and yogurt;

•    cottage cheese;

•    chicken meat;

•    sea fish;

•    fruit;

•    vegetables.

Sweets and flour products are prohibited, and use decoctions and juices as a liquid. Drinking regime should not exceed 1 liters of liquid.

Menu for gouty arthritis

Gout is also accompanied by arthritis of this type, which is aimed at avoiding new attacks. Diet for this type of arthritis has a long list of prohibitions:

•    alcoholic beverages;

•    sausages;

•    legumes;

•    condiments;

•    chocolate;

•    table salt;

•    spinach and sorrel;

•    oily fish;

•    lard;

•    spices;

•    rich broth;

•    coffee, cocoa and tea.

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The following products will help to create a diet and not harm with gouty arthritis:

•    chicken meat;

•    lean fish;

•    salad and dill;

•    milk in small quantities;

•    vegetables in any form;

•    fruit;

•    pumpkin and zucchini;

•    potatoes;

•    tomatoes.

Drinking regime within 2 liters of liquid, of which mainly compotes and fruit drinks.

Nuances of nutrition in dystrophic and traumatic arthritis

These types of arthritis require a thorough review of the diet, from which it is necessary to exclude heavy food, excess and imbalance of nutrients. It is important to fill the body with calcium and collagen.

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The following food should prevail on the table:

•    dairy products;

•    jellied meats;

•    legumes;

•    jelly;

•    fresh fruits and vegetables;

•    fish dishes.

In case of dystrophy and injuries of the joints and bones, the menu should include broths on the bones in order to restore cartilage tissue, and calcium will help strengthen the skeletal apparatus. Give up carbohydrates and solid fats so as not to overload the body.

Diet for arthritis varies depending on the type of disease, so it is worth considering what diagnosis you have. The right diet will help you choose a doctor, but do not forget that any type of arthritis does not like being overweight, because this is an additional load on the joints. Eat according to your diet and stay healthy.

Read also: Joints crackle all over the body: what is the reason and what to do

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