Диетолог: лечебное питание при псориазе

Psoriasis, or as it is sometimes called the "devil's rose", is inherently insidious: appearing on the body with scaly plaques, it does not heal, but recedes only for a while, in order to then manifest itself again. It is no coincidence that Winston Churchill, who suffered from psoriasis, promised to erect a golden monument to those who find a cure. And the American National Psoriasis Foundation guarantees a $1 million prize for such a discovery.

Ukrainian nutritionist, author of popular methods of weight correction, member of the National Society of Dietitians (NOD) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity Lyudmila Denisenko suggests that those suffering from psoriasis adjust their diet, which will allow, if not get rid of the disease, then at least alleviate its course.

Diet will help improve the acid-base balance

Doctors have been talking about the fact that the nutrition of such patients should be adjusted for a long time and suggest… diametrically different diets. For example, John O. A. Pagano, a chiropractic doctor with 20 years of experience, considers disturbances in the walls of the intestine to cause psoriasis. This, in his opinion, leads to the fact that toxins begin to seep into the circulatory and lymphatic systems. And at some point, the kidneys cease to cope with the cleansing function assigned to them, removing internal toxins to the surface of the skin in the form of plaques.

To fight the disease, the doctor advises adjusting your menu so that 70-80% are alkalizing foods, that is, fruits and vegetables.

Dr. John Pagano's Diet Features:

• a day you need to drink six to eight glasses of clean water, not counting other liquids;

• the diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables;

• a third of all products should be oxidizing (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cereals);

• banned — smoked meats, alcohol, sweets, coffee, carbonated drinks.

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The author of another popular diet is Russian doctor Svetlana Ogneva. She also considers it necessary for such patients to create an acid-base balance in the body. But for this, he offers only once a week to carry out unloading using the selected mono-diet. It can be based on fruits (for example, apples), but sour-milk products (cottage cheese with kefir) are also allowed.

Features of the diet of Dr. Svetlana Ognevoy:

• include fruits and juices from them in the diet, except for those that contain an increased level of acid;

• fish and meat are allowed only in boiled and steamed form. Fish is allowed white, from meat — turkey, chicken and lamb;

• porridge — from oatmeal, barley, millet, buckwheat, rye and wheat groats;

• corn flour is allowed, rice — wild and brown pasta — from buckwheat and artichoke; potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, alcohol, chocolate, spicy spices, fatty fish and meat, sour-milk products with high fat content are prohibited.

Each of the doctors offers his own lists of alkalizing and oxidizing foods, and they differ significantly from each other: Dr. Pagano considers citrus fruits to be one of the best products for the treatment of psoriasis, and Ogneva recognizes only grapefruit. I must say that the championship in this category has long belonged to the lemon.

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Dietitians also disagree about eating cereals (wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat and bran), whole seeds (pumpkin, sesame, flax, sunflower) and fish. Pagano considers them acid-forming, and Ogneva — alkaline-forming.

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The buckwheat diet is more accessible and understandable for such patients, the effectiveness of which is explained by the beneficial effect of cereals on all organs of the digestive tract. And the presence of a rough shell that collects toxins in the intestines helps to improve motility and their evacuation.

So what kind of diet should be used for psoriasis? Let's try to answer this question.

Food "diary": grading for the right menu

There is no special diet for psoriasis and it is unlikely that there will be, since the disease is characterized by many causes. Nevertheless, many patients, guided by their own feelings, adjust their own menu. Summarizing the experience of many, we can say which products act as "provocateurs" diseases that help to extinguish it and, based on this, adjust your diet. However, in order not to act by trial and error in the future, such patients should keep a food diary and reflect in it the reaction of the body to certain foods.

Start with water. It must be drunk 2.5 & mdash; 3 liters per day (not counting other liquids). The food itself should be simple, fractional, varied and not plentiful.

This diet can be recommended to other patients.
Its basis is made up of fruits, vegetables, berries (except red color).

First courses — vegetarian , with a stable remission, cooking in a weak meat broth is allowed.
Low-fat meats (lean beef, rabbit, turkey) boiled or stewed, no more than 150 g.
River fish (except carp, catfish and sturgeon) boiled or stewed.
Various porridges, vegetable stews, steam cutlets are suitable for the second.


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Should limit:
• fatty meats and fish, offal (liver, kidneys);
• egg yolks, butter (no more than 25 g per day);
• tea, coffee.

There are also "provocateur" foods, the introduction of which into the diet can exacerbate the course of the disease.

Products Provocateurs:

• onions, garlic, horseradish, due to the phytoncides included in them;

• foods with red pigment (rose hips, red apples, ketchup, etc.);

• cocoa products, including chocolate;

• milk (whole), eggs;

• citrus fruits, honey;

• smoked meats, lard;

• alcohol.

As for tomatoes, which are characterized by a red color that is dangerous for such patients, they have recently been rehabilitated by nutritionists. In the place where they are attached to the stem, a substance has been found that has anti-allergic and analgesic properties. So, it’s not ketchups that cause deterioration at all, but salt and vinegar included in them.

Say no to hunger, fasting days — "yes"

Many psoriasis sufferers claim that after a fast of three to seven days, their skin condition improves. There is no convincing evidence for this. But fasting days really help to cope with the problem, if you spend them constantly, every week, one or two days. To do this, you can use the diets offered by Svetlana Ogneva, — curd-kefir or apple, or choose any other.


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Menu of fasting days for psoriasis:

  • meat and vegetable day: lean boiled beef (400 g) and a vegetable side dish of raw vegetables (100 g). Eat in five meals;

  • kefir: drink 1.5 liters of kefir during the day;

  • vegetable: stewed vegetables, except potatoes (1.5 kg). Eat in five meals.

On fasting days you should also drink rosehip broth or weak tea for an additional effect. Mineral water ("Borjomi", Narzan, Slavyanovskaya) will also be useful, which helps to increase the alkaline environment in the body.

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