Гормональная диета: как похудеть без чувства голода

The hormonal diet is designed to help regulate the metabolism in the body and smoothly lose weight. If you follow a diet correctly, then it does not harm your health, and excess weight will go away for a long time. First of all, those who have problems with the thyroid gland and hormonal failure in the body think about this diet. But its feature is that the hormonal diet changes eating habits, cleanses the intestines and promotes healthy weight loss.

Hormonal diet: how to follow it and what its benefits

Hormones control the functioning of our body. A failure occurs when one of the hormones ceases to be released in the required amount. In  women, this most often manifests itself in an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone or in a violation of estrogen synthesis.

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What are the signs of hormonal failure

  • Constant fatigue, lack of energy even after rest

  • Hair loss, brittle nails

  • Bad dream

  • Cravings for  sweets, appetite is either very strong or absent

  • Irritability and  mood swings

  • Irregularities in menstrual cycle, sweating, headaches

  • Can lose weight

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Usually, all these signs are ignored by women or not taken seriously. Someone drinks vitamins, someone tries diets, and someone attributes everything to their own laziness. But examination of the thyroid gland and consultation with an endocrinologist can help. In addition to treatment, often the doctor recommends reconsidering your diet and paying attention to its balance.


Hormonal disruption can also be caused by stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and malnutrition. A special diet is just what needed to improve metabolism and normalize hormonal levels.

Hormonal Diet  Basically — this is a rational approach to nutrition, so it can be used by anyone who wants to lose weight without extreme sports, smoothly and confidently. This approach to nutrition is especially recommended for those who cannot lose weight, despite restrictions in food and physical activity.

The essence, principles and stages of the hormonal diet

The secret of the hormonal diet is that it suppresses the synthesis of insulin and estrogen (hormones that are responsible for the accumulation of fat deposits) and activates testosterone, adrenaline, somatotropin, norepinephrine, which help burn fat.

You don't have to count calories and starve yourself. But & nbsp; you will have to check your menu with & nbsp; the carbohydrate value table. Each product has its own nutritional value, which is assigned a score.           

0 points: vegetables, low-fat milk (up to 2%), seafood, chicken or turkey fillets.

1 point: beans, berries, vegetable juices

2 points: nuts, fruits, olives, rice, buckwheat, carrots

3 points: juices, yoghurts, dark chocolate, cheese, millet porridge

4 points: fatty dairy products, flour products, sausages, dried fruits, fish, meat, lard, honey.


The Hormone Diet lasts 8 weeks and consists of three main stages, each of which has a specific set of products.

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General principles of the hormonal diet:

  1. Eat 5 times a day in small portions every 2-3 hours, one serving — 300 g.

  2. Drink 2 liters of water per day and do any physical activity.

  3. Reduce salt, sugar, fatty meats, processed foods.

  4. Meat must be lean and  baked in oven.  fried foods will have to be abandoned.

  5. The main products in menu — cereals, fruits, vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese.

  6. If the diet fails, you'll have to go back to the beginning.

  7. Consult your doctor about supplementing vitamins.

1 stage

Already at the first stage, you can significantly lose weight. It lasts 2 weeks and at its basis — the use of fiber and  protein, i.e. you need to eat any products from the list with 0 value. Do not forget about fractional five meals a day every 2-3 hours.

2 stage

In the first 14 days, the body must adapt to the new diet. Now you can proceed to the following power scheme:

  • The total score for day must not exceed 9

  • Breakfast — 4 points

  • Second breakfast — 2 points

  • Lunch — 2 point

  • Snack — 1 point

  • Dinner — 0 points

Foods can be eaten from the appropriate group, and you can combine them. Main — do not exceed the total amount. It's best not to skip meals, as points cannot be added. The second stage can last as long as you see fit. Approximately — 2-3 weeks.

3 stage

At this stage, the result is fixed. It is designed for 2-3 weeks but it can be followed for a long time. The meal plan is exactly the same as in the second stage, but with the addition of 1 point. The only exception is dinner. If you notice that you have begun to put on weight, this point will need to be deducted.

  • Breakfast — 5 points

  • Second breakfast — 3 points

  • Lunch — 3 points

  • Snack — 2 points

  • Dinner — 0 points

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Hormonal diet: how to make a menu for  every day

The benefit of the hormonal diet is that you have a wide variety of foods to every day. For weight loss, you don’t have to pay with health, on the contrary, the diet forms healthy habits: eat more vegetables and greens, eat less fast carbohydrates, switch to fractional five meals a day. As a result of this approach, the stomach will decrease in volume, metabolism will return to normal, and you will feel much more cheerful and active.

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To make it easier for you to orient yourself in compiling the menu, we offer you approximate options for how you can combine products.

  • Dishes with 0 points:omelette with vegetables, roasted turkey fillet with fresh vegetable salad, baked fish and asparagus.

  • Meals worth 1 point:
  • dried fruits, bean stew with vegetables, egg casserole with beans.

  • Meals for 2 points:
  • vegetable or fruit salad, cheesecakes with fruit, fat-free cottage cheese with apples, stewed veal with vegetables, vegetable salad with cheese.

  • Dishes for 3 points:
  • Boiled chicken fillet with vegetables and cheese, muesli with yoghurt, millet porridge with vegetables, tea with dark chocolate.

  • Meals worth 4 points:
  • oatmeal with berries, cottage cheese casserole, stewed potatoes with vegetables, baked pork with fresh vegetable salad.

  • Read also: 
Interval nutrition: effective diet or harm to health

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