Как полюбить свое тело и принять себя со всеми недостатками

Everyone craves love and  recognition, but, paradoxically enough, we often deny ourselves the satisfaction of these needs. Looking around, we notice more beautiful, bright, successful people, compare ourselves with them and suffer painfully from an inferiority complex. Further more: we & nbsp; believe that we are unworthy of what we aspired to, give up, give up & nbsp; goals. Let's figure out how to love your body, accept yourself and achieve a state of inner harmony.

Where do ideas about self-attractiveness come from

Women more often than men have a negative attitude towards their body.Often, luxurious beauties find flaws in themselves, suffer from too much attention to yourself. The other extreme — plastic surgery until the face body become perfect. But the problem is that the ideals themselves are constantly changing.

There were times when fat or pathologically thin women were considered beautiful. In some periods of history, bald foreheads were valued, and in others — black teeth. The fashion for appearance is changing. Until recently, young girls with big breasts and puffy lips flaunted on the covers of glossy magazines, and now their place has been taken by mature women with tight figures.

The race for  reference appearance is obviously losing. She is unable to give anything but complexes, neuroses and depression. The greatest disappointment befalls those who, in the pursuit of beauty, achieve the goal and really reshape themselves strictly according to the canons. The ideal appearance does not change much: the expected immeasurable happiness does not fall on the head, but new complexes appear.

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The cause of dissatisfaction is within, and not outside. At some point, a negative perception of oneself is formed. Parents have the greatest influence on our attitude to our own appearance, but girlfriends, sexual partners, intrusive advertising and glossy magazines also cannot be discounted.

Don't go too deep into the reasons for the negative attitude to yourself. It does not important when and over what you  "fight" with their body, began to perceive it as "wrong". You need to solve the problem and  accept yourself with all the shortcomings.

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How to love your body and accept yourself — 10 psychological tips

First, realize that the standards of beauty that are promoted from & nbsp; every iron are false. Chasing after them can deprive you of strength, time, money, and the remnants of self-respect. «Catching up» another fashion, you will be disappointed. It's time to go the other way: forgive and & nbsp; accept yourself.  psychologists have proven ways to love your body, despite shortcomings:

  1. Stop comparing yourself. Models, movie stars, and flamboyant friends may not be perfect for you. You — another man. Your body is unique. Try to do everything to make you feel comfortable in it.

  2. Be alone with yourself and acknowledge your feelings.Stand up in front of a mirror, look at yourself carefully and speak aloud about what you see. Describe your strengths and weaknesses, for example: "I have big beautiful eyes, but" my lips seem narrow and "unattractive." Be honest with yourself.

  3. Forgive your body and ask forgiveness of Mentally or aloud refer to your body ask forgiveness for disrespect, disgust for some of its parts. In turn, forgive the body for its imperfection. Thank him for what has served you faithfully for many years.

  4. Write a letter to your body. Tell us how you feel for it, ask for forgiveness and thank you for good service. Promise that from now on you will appreciate and respect the body, regardless of the flaws in appearance. This technique will help you recognize and block negative attitudes.

  5. Learn to face imperfections with humor. As soon as you have negative thoughts about yourself, turn them into a joke. Treat  failures with the benevolent indulgence you would apply to a playful kitten or a bubble-blowing child.

  6. Speak positively. If you have before allowed (even mentally!) rude phrases about yourself, change them to positive. Remember: your thighs are not  thick, but  curvy; buttocks are not  big, but  appetizing; the chest is not  flat, but neat.

  7. Be respectful of your body. Start choosing carefully the food you give him, clothes, shoes. To keep your body in good shape, find a comfortable type of physical activity. Do the exercises thoughtfully, with an awareness of the benefits, enjoy the movements.

  8. Don't discuss your shortcomings. mutual complaints? Agree with  friends that you will not discuss your own and appearance flaws of others. Say you don't like it.

  9. Accept compliments with dignity. Your body is unique and has earned praise from you and others, so don shy away admiring words.

  10. Stop the "beauty test". Are you still weighing, measuring, and looking in the mirror for positive changes in your body? Accept yourself and don't expect change. They'll come in their time, and you just enjoy your life.

You may think that problems at work, in communication or personal life are somehow related to deficiencies in your body. It is not so. Having forgiven your body, finding inner harmony, you suddenly discover that you like other people.

Read also: Positive Affirmations: How to Make them Work

The main thing about accepting your body the way it is

Complexes deprive you of vitality, make you give up what you really deserve. By stopping the pursuit of non-existent ideals, you will gain true freedom, you will be able to direct your energy towards love, creation and creativity. Use helpful techniques:

  • Acknowledge thoughts and feelings.Stand in front of a mirror and say what you think about the body.

  • Ask forgiveness from the body and forgive it yourself. Do it verbally and in writing.

  • Promise that you will treat your body well in the future. Despite your figure flaws, your body faithfully serves you. Take care of him, thank him and pamper him.

  • Don't speak badly about your body, don discuss it. Be condescending of imperfections, use only positive language.

  • Don't compare, stop "beauty testing".

    Your body is unique. It's perfect with all the flaws.

  • Dress nicely and accept compliments.

    Give your body the very best it can. Receive  compliments with dignity and thank you for them.

  • Respect for yourself — key condition for success. Love and perceive your body as a beautiful vessel of your immortal soul.

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Anhedonia: what it is and how to deal with it

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