Как сберечь любовь и отношения на расстоянии: советы психолога

Relationships at a distance — difficult test for love. It depends only on you whether your connection becomes stronger or breaks completely. Separation — it's not  only pain, but and a lot of positive moments. You and your loved one will not bother each other, and kilometers and time zones will help you test your feelings for strength. The editors of estet-portal.com offer great ways to maintain and strengthen relationships at a distance, advice from psychologists and people who managed to save their love despite the circumstances.

Peculiarities of a love relationship in a long separation

It is difficult for lovers to endure separation, because they cannot touch each other, hug. Manifestations of tenderness are possible only by phone and Internet. This is very little, because tactile contact is so necessary. Being nearby, loving people can spend evenings and weekends together, have fun, share impressions.

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At a distance everyone has a busy life and moments of communication are rare and short. Because of this, love is overshadowed by negativity. As much as people trust each other, they experience  periodic  unavailability” partners. In & nbsp; such moments, mistrust, jealousy, resentment are born.

When psychologists consider relationships at a distance, advice begins with the fact that lovers are invited to discuss the main thing: how they perceive their connection. It's the most important. For one of partners, this may be a serious relationship, in which he counts on the future family. And the the the relationship and can refer to as a bond without special obligations.

It makes sense to maintain a relationship only if the plans for the future of both partners coincide, otherwise disappointments are inevitable.

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How to maintain a relationship at a distance: advice from a psychologist

Lovers need to agree on what they plan in the future: move in, get married or meet as good friends and sexual partners. At the same time, you should understand that life makes its own adjustments, and not be afraid of changes, but adjust your plans to them. To keep love alive, follow a few simple rules.

1. Stop suffering, learn to enjoy separation

Sounds blasphemous, but this advice has helped many couples to keep their love, despite kilometers and years. There are many benefits to long-distance relationships. You don't have to deal with everyday routine, quarrel over little things, and tolerate each other's unpleasant habits. In fact, your love blossoms in greenhouse conditions. So enjoy it!

Build your schedule so that the whole day is filled with events. Be sure to find out what gives you a surge of happiness hormones, and every day do everything to get the most pleasure. This will help you not to concentrate on separation and not wind up negative thoughts.

Another positive moment: when you communicate with your loved one, you will radiate a wave of joy, positive, energy, lightness. Hearing a warm, happy voice from the phone, watching an involuntary smile on video calls, your partner will fall even more in love and will look forward to every meeting .

2. Talk to each other as often as possible

Be in contact whenever possible, and preferably so that you can see each other. Written messages will not be able to convey your feelings, a more reliable contact is needed.

Talk about everything without selecting specific topics. Do not be afraid to ask about every little things, to report on little joys and troubles. This will help you stay in touch with reality.

3. Never arrange interrogations with addiction

Be considerate of each other's lives, but don't let conversations turn into mutual interrogations. If a person didn't call, you shouldn't jealously ask where he was and what he did. Decide for yourself that you trust your loved one, don not doubt his feelings for a second and don are jealous.

Your suspicion can destroy a fragile bond. You shouldn't look for signs of cheating, but if it becomes obvious that your partner is lying, don't turn a blind eye to it. Consider if you are ready to accept it. Live life to the fullest, have fun with friends, love, but always match expectations with reality.

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4. Improve yourself, improve with the thought of partner

Join a gym, cookery class, or dance class. Choose what you like and let your hobby help you improve yourself. Think about how new skills will help you strengthen relationships, become more attractive. This will be a great motivation for both. A useful hobby will switch your attention. You will miss the person you love less and and be inspired by love for them 

5. Meet each other more often, give each other gifts

Meet as often as possible. Never put off your next date, even if you had a fight during the previous one. Personal meetings are very important, otherwise you risk falling in love with a fictional virtual image instead of a real person. Then, having decided to live together, you will be deeply disappointed.

Give each other gifts. When choosing gifts, proceed from & nbsp; your financial capabilities. Don't go broke every time you meet, but a nice little surprise — required condition. When parting, you will leave not only impressions, but and quite material things that are associated with      

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The main thing about love and maintenance relationships at distance

Not every couple manages to save love at a distance, but those who coped with this task have found reliable partners. Separation — an excellent test of feelings for strength. To keep it from turning into a break, follow these tips:

  • Make sure your           

  • Meet  as often as possible, stay in contact by phone and Internet. Don do not forget to make pleasant surprises.
  • Talk. Tell and ask about little things, say kind words, confess feelings.
  • Find what makes you happier, better, and more attractive to your partner. Happiness hormones haven't hurt anyone yet.
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Telegram Love at a distance can be overshadowed by bitterness and jealousy, and can become the best memory of your life. What do you choose for yourself?

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