Какие опасные заболевания вызывает сидячий образ жизни

A sedentary lifestyle is harmful equally for all genders, all ages and nationalities. More than 30 chronic diseases are acquired by a person due to regular sitting, which are not limited to back and neck pain. Coming home from work and settling down on a soft sofa, you deliberately ruin your liver, brain and heart. Is in a sitting position for more than 8 hours a day – is tantamount to smoking and causes more health problems than a bad habit.

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you why sitting is harmful, how to do it correctly in order to protect yourself.

7 reasons for advice that say why sitting is bad

Feature of our body – to be in constant motion, sitting down in order to rest and move on. Nature created man to travel to work, walk with children, to hunt and search for food. The spine is not adapted to being in a sitting position for a long time. In a standing position, the load is evenly distributed between the hips, az, knees, ankles. When sitting on a chair – the spine receives the maximum pressure.

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Reasons why it is necessary to get up more often, but sitting is harmful:

Stress and depression – scientists from Australia believe that in a sitting position, the chances of earning depression increase significantly.

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Discomfort and pain in the neck, back – Gregory Billy, professor of orthopedics, claims that 4 hours of continuous sitting in a chair leads to compression of the key disk, and poor posture harms the cervical vertebrae.

Oncology – an extra two hours in a chair increases the risk of developing colon cancer by 8%, uterine cancer – by 10%.

Diabetes, heart failure, obesity – if you sit, burning calories is slower, excess weight accumulates. The process of removing glucose from the blood is slowed down, leading to elevated markers and poor metabolism, and doubling the chances of developing diabetes.


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Brittle Bones – when sitting, the replacement of bone tissue cells is slower, the body does not have time to replace them, this is fraught with the early development of osteoporosis. 

Clots – a study published in the British Med'ical Jour'nal says – women who sat more than 40 hours a week had an increased risk of blood clots in the lungs.

Bad memory – researched from the University of California, they found out that the more a person sits, the faster the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain responsible for memory becomes thinner. 

Daily activity is more beneficial than going to the gym

Doctors advise every 3 hours of sitting in a chair, replaced by the same amount of time in motion. Your heart needs at least 70 minutes of daily cardio to work properly. Scientists from Liverpool claim that the reduction in movement is reflected in the loss of muscle mass and extra pounds. Develop the habit – get up from your chair every 2 hours and go to the kitchen, to the cooler, to the neighboring store for water. 

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No one forces you to sit while talking on the phone, traveling in public transport. Remind yourself of the benefits of movement more often. Replace sitting position where possible. Daily walks reduce the risk of early death. 

Learning to sit correctly – practical advice

Position, sitting with an inclination forward – the most harmful posture, so the load on the spine reaches its maximum value. If you want to stay healthy, please consider the following rules:

  • pull your shoulders down and back;

  • head in neutral position, with slightly lowered chin;

  • place your feet on the floor, do not cross your legs;

  • Knees must not be higher than hips.

Work at the computer, watching TV is best done in such positions. This proper fit puts minimal stress on the joints and bones, relieving pressure from the ligaments. Place the computer in a position where you do not need to tilt your head forward. Place a pillow against the back of a chair or armchair. 

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Doctors regularly repeat that it is harmful to sit too much – at the computer, TV, desk. When entering an office or entrance, walk up the stairs without using the elevator. Exercise between work. On weekends, try to spend more time walking. 

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