Лечебная физкультура при заболеваниях органов дыхания

Therapeutic exercise for diseases – a necessary measure for those who want to recover faster and help the body cope with the disease. For problems with the respiratory system, special physiotherapy exercises are also needed, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice. Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the respiratory system is different in that there are complexes for a hospital, with a general regimen, in the acute stage of the disease.

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell more about physical therapy for diseases of the respiratory system. Also in the article there will be sets of exercises for the general regimen, because in the acute course of the disease it is better to consult a doctor regarding such actions . 

Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the respiratory system: benefits and contraindications 

Breathing exercises don't just help you recover faster – they involve all types of breathing, strengthening the entire system as a whole. They improve the function of external respiration, reduce intoxication of the body and improve immunity. Respiratory gymnastics accelerates the resorption of sputum in inflammatory processes, reduces the manifestations of bronchospasm. As a result, sputum is better discharged, the healing process is accelerated. 

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However, breathing exercises have their own contraindications:

  • third degree respiratory failure;

  • lung abscess;

  • sputum with blood;

  • accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the pleural cavity;

  • asthmatic status of the patient.

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In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary in order to avoid the risk of complications. 

Therapeutic exercise for respiratory diseases: sets of exercises 

Next, we will give examples of sets of exercises that are suitable for patients with certain diseases. For example, exercise therapy for pleurisy looks like this:

  1. Starting position – standing with a medicine ball in his hands, arms down. As you inhale, turn to the left and slowly raise your arms up. As you exhale, lower your arms down.

  2. Starting position – standing with a medical stick in hand. While inhaling, lift the stick above your head, bend forward, rise on your toes, while exhaling, return to the starting position, bending your knees.

  3. As you exhale, throw your hand forward, clenching your fingers into a fist, alternating left and right. While inhaling, lift your shoulders up, make two tilts in opposite directions. 

  4. Stand sideways to some kind of support (table, chair), grab the back with your hand. As you inhale, turn your torso back, and touch a chair or table with your opposite hand. Exhale as you return to the starting position. 

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You can finish the gymnastics by walking on the "path" at a leisurely pace for about three minutes.

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A set of exercises for patients with pneumonia looks like this: 

  1. Therapeutic walking – to do this, you need to alternately walk on toes, heels, on the outside and inside of the foot. Approximate duration of exercise – up to five minutes. 

  2. Alternate side bends as the hand slides down the outside of the thigh. On exit, return to starting position. 

  3. Hold a medicine ball in front of your chest. Inhale as you turn to the side, exhale as you return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side. Repeat 10 times.

  4. Walking for 5 minutes with high hips and active arm movement. 

  5. Starting position – in the hands of a medical stick, hands down. While inhaling, lift the stick up, while exhaling, pull your knee to your stomach using a stick. Do the same for the other leg. Repeat 10 times. 

Read also: Therapeutic exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Such exercises should be repeated daily in combination with other treatments as prescribed by the doctor.  Therapeutic exercise for respiratory diseases: why it is important for children


In childhood

attention should be paid to the development of the respiratory system, which is not least influenced by the physical activity of the child. That is why jumping, running, active games and prolonged exposure to the fresh air are useful for children. Children from an early age should be taught to breathe through their nose – so the air is cleared of dust, it becomes warm.

This does not happen with mouth breathing, which increases the possibility of infection in the lungs. In addition, nasal breathing is necessary for normal lung capacity and heart development. Nasal breathing awakens the respiratory center, so the person breathes deeper.


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In addition, preschoolers often hold their breath when performing new tasks that require effort and effort from them. It is important to keep track of these moments in order to indicate to the child – You need to breathe constantly and through the nose. Suitable for this is pronunciation of the sequence of exercises or actions using the words "inhale"; and "exhale".


It is important to teach a child to breathe differently. So, at a slow pace of the exercise, teach the child to exhale slowly, sparingly using the air in the lungs.


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Lymphadenitis: how therapeutic exercises will help get rid of lymph stagnation

Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the respiratory system

– a safe method, if you follow the indications and contraindications, because it has no side effects. It doesn't cost anything but time if you are familiar with the method or have it shown to you in a government agency. At the same time, the effectiveness of these procedures is high and quickly brings relief in many diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. Use what your body can give you for its benefit.

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