Медики рассказали, сколько нужно пить воды в день для поддержания здорового образа жизни

Summer brings the sun, and the sun brings warmth and makes you more likely to get dehydrated. As your activity and time spent outside increases, you need to control the amount of water you drink.
Our brain is 73% water. If we don't  keep up our water intake, especially in hot weather or while exercising, our thinking can suffer.

In one study, adolescents who worked for 90 minutes to a state of dehydration experienced a significant reduction in brain tissue, almost like a sponge left to dry.

Editor estet- portal.com will tell you how much water you need to drink per day in summer and how important it is to monitor the water balance.

The Proven Benefits and Importance of Water
Replenish Fluids Regularly
The main signs of dehydration
Hydration tips
the best elixir of life Proven Benefits and Importance of Water Here's a fun fact: your body is 65% water

, most of which is in your cells.

The Benefits of Plain Pure Water:

Regulating your temperature; Helps the kidneys function and eliminate toxins;

    Keep your skin supple;
  • It is a lubricant for joints and muscles;
  • Improves your mood;
  • Prevents kidney stones.
  • Moisturizing or hydration (drinking enough water) is the most important lifestyle change that reduces the risk of stones.
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This is why having enough fluid in your body is so important - your body cannot function at its maximum load without it.

Regularly replenish body fluids

When the temperature gets higher, your body starts to sweat to regulate its temperature. In total, you have 2.6 million sweat glands that help keep you cool by releasing fluid through your pores. The water you drink, in turn, constantly replenishes this fluid loss.

You need to drink water per day in the amount that suits your body, and this depends on several factors. The US National Research Council recommends eight to ten ounces per day. Another way to calculate the correct amount of water per day is to divide your body weight in half (using pounds) and then drink that many ounces. And be sure to listen to your body. Even if you work in the water, you still sweat.My default image

Positive Morning:

start your day with a smile The main signs of dehydration Most of us are dehydrated - when more water leaves our body than we take in – this is accompanied by muscle spasms, fatigue and intense thirst. In fact, these are just some of the consequences of lack of hydration.

But did you know that dehydration also affects your brain?

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Signs of dehydration:

Yellow urine - urine will be darker in color when dehydrated;

Headache/muscle spasms;

  • Infrequent trips to the toilet;
  • Dizziness;
  • Constipation;
  • Think of hydration as an important lifestyle change. Carry a full bottle of water with you everywhere: to work, to school, to the car, to training. Start and end your day with a glass of water. If you make these small changes, you can quickly increase your water intake and prevent the effects of dehydration.
  • After all, the water we consume optimizes blood pressure, regulates body temperature, lubricates the joints, removes waste from the body and promotes digestion.

Water retention in the body:

causes and remedies Hydration Tips We know how important hydration is to our health, so here are our

Top 10 tips for staying hydrated this summer:

one. Make sure you're drinking enough waterMy default image

Recommendations vary by weight, age and activity level, but it's easy to remember 8x8, or 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day. You can also divide your weight in pounds by 2 and drink that number in ounces. For example, a 130-pound woman would need 65 ounces (135/2) of water per day. Many experts recommend drinking every time you're thirsty. If you're thirsty, drink even if you've already drunk your daily allowance!
2. Invest in a reusable water bottle

Ditch the environmentally damaging disposable plastic water bottles (20% end up in landfills) and buy a reusable BPA-free water bottle to track your water usage every day. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day.
3. Drink detox water
If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives.
Ditch the environmentally damaging disposable plastic water bottles (20% end up in landfills) and buy a reusable BPA-free water bottle to track your water usage every day. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day.
3. Drink detox water
If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Ditch the environmentally damaging disposable plastic water bottles (20% end up in landfills) and buy a reusable BPA-free water bottle to track your water usage every day. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day. 3. Drink detox water

If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives. that are harmful to the environment (20% end up in landfills), and buy a reusable BPA-free water bottle to track your water usage every day. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day.
3. Drink detox water

If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives. that are harmful to the environment (20% end up in landfills), and buy a reusable BPA-free water bottle to track your water usage every day. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day. 3. Drink detox water
If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives.
to track your daily water consumption. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day. My default image3. Drink detox water

If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives.
to track your daily water consumption. If you keep a bottle nearby, you will have a much better chance of drinking throughout the day.
3. Drink detox water

If you prefer limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, a fresh fruit infusion can be a refreshing cocktail-like drink without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

Detox Water: Health Benefits

4. Drink Before Meals
We can all experience hunger that "needs to eat" after noon. Before you reach the nearest source of calories, drink some water! Sometimes our brain confuses thirst with hunger, so next time just drink water before your meal and your "pains" will be gone. they may simply disappear from hunger.

5. H2O and nothing else

Yes, juices, milk and herbal teas can help hydrate your body - even caffeinated drinks (in moderation) can provide you with much-needed fluid. However, water? this is what, what your body really craves. Drinking enough water a day will help you avoid the unnecessary sugars, additives, and caffeine found in other drinks.

6. Make a Water Schedule

If it seems impossible to consume 64 ounces (about 2L) in one day, you can make a hydration schedule. As soon as you wake up, be sure to drink 10 ounces of water ? after a night without water, your body will appreciate this morning routine. Pre-select a specific number of ounces during the day (for example, with meals, before, during, and after training).
    Make a Water Schedule
  • If it seems impossible to consume 64 ounces (about 2L) in one day, you can make a hydration schedule. As soon as you wake up, be sure to drink 10 ounces of water ? after a night without water, your body will appreciate this morning routine. Pre-select a specific number of ounces during the day (for example, with meals, before, during, and after training).
  • Make a Water Schedule
  • If it seems impossible to consume 64 ounces (about 2L) in one day, you can make a hydration schedule. As soon as you wake up, be sure to drink 10 ounces of water ? after a night without water, your body will appreciate this morning routine. Pre-select a specific number of ounces during the day (for example, with meals, before, during, and after training).
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  • 7. Water in foodMy default image
The good news is that only 70-80% of your daily hydration should come from water; 20-30% should actually come from food!

Here fruits and vegetables that contain some water:

97% water: cucumber

96% water: celery

95% water: tomatoes, radishes 93% water: red, yellow, green bell peppers 92% water: cauliflower, watermelon

91% water: spinach, strawberries, broccoli

90% water: grapefruit

My default image8. The magical property of chia seeds

Ehydrate with soaked chia seeds. Chia seeds, ancient superfoods that have nourished the Aztec and Mayan peoples for generations, are hydrating nutrients. These tiny seeds are hydrophilic, which means they absorb water (up to 12 times their weight!).
When you consume chia seeds soaked in water before a workout or a day in the sun, they will slowly release that water as your body digests them, keeping your system hydrated. In addition, they are an excellent source of omega-3s and many other nutrients. Think of them as mini-released water bottles!

You will be interested to know: "Chia Seeds – ideal for weight loss


9. Try Coconut

Coconut Water
is a mineral-rich liquid made from young green coconuts. Packed with potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, coconut water can replenish lost fluids and electrolytes from exercise and hot summer temperatures. Try freezing coconut cubes for a refreshing, hydrating summer treat.
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10. Take Probiotics

It's true - maintaining good gut health helps you stay hydrated enough. Not only does good bacteria help you absorb nutrients and electrolytes from food and drinks (which promotes effective hydration),

And bonus, probiotics also keep your skin hydrated! More than 100 volunteers with wrinkles and dry skin took a probiotic or a placebo for 12 weeks. In addition to increased skin elasticity and reduced wrinkles, at the end of the trial, the probiotic group had increased

water content in both the face and hands. Water – the best elixir of life and health 

In one study, dieters who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more weight over 12 weeks (30 verified sources).It's actually better to drink cold water because then the body will use the extra energy (calories) to heat the water up to body temperature.Water is truly the elixir of life. With the onset of heat During the season, remember to drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in hydrating whole fruits and vegetables to keep you healthy all summer long. Your body (and mind) will thank you! Watch us on YouTube:

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