Правильные завтраки на каждый день: 4 варианта для разных случаев

They say we – what we eat. And nutritionists believe that this rule works both ways. Not only food determines our health and appearance. But we ourselves can choose food that suits us with our habits and lifestyle.

For most people, breakfast has a formulaic association with oatmeal and scrambled eggs, or even a coffee sandwich. However, in fact, the choice of healthy and tasty breakfasts is much larger! And it should depend on what plans you have for the day.

Do you want to know the 4 best correct breakfast options for every day for different scenarios? We have prepared for you a whole menu based on the recommendations of nutritionists and proper nutrition. Look for options in the article estet-portal.com!

1. Proper breakfasts for every day for training
2. Proper breakfasts for every day to keep fit
3. Proper breakfasts for every day in case of lack of appetite
4. Proper breakfasts for every day for brain work

The right breakfast for every day for training

If you have a training session today, breakfast should be special. Your goal – fuel the muscles.

For example, if you just run in the park in the morning or do exercises to be in good shape or even lose a few extra pounds, then it is advisable to stock up on glucose. It would be nice to add calcium for bones and normal muscle contraction and potassium for muscles and normalization of water balance.

But if you go to the gym to pump your ass or biceps, then the emphasis should be shifted to proteins for high-quality muscle building.

Cardio breakfast formula (running, aerobics, swimming, jump rope): oatmeal + low-fat milk or unsweetened yogurt + banana. May be served with a cup of tea.

Oatmeal – An excellent source of slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, rich in vitamins and minerals. Dairy products will replenish your calcium stores. A banana – wonderful source of potassium + also slow carb.

Strength training breakfast formula:

rye bread + butter + ham or chicken breast + boiled egg. You can also have a cup of tea. Rye bread as a slow carbohydrate with a low glycemic index will keep you hungry for a long time, especially when combined with oil fatty acids. Meat and eggs – classic examples of lean proteins. If you are afraid for your blood cholesterol level, you can eat an egg without the yolk.

Important reminder: a hearty breakfast is only possible 2 hours before training!

If there is no time,

then eat at least a banana or an egg half an hour or an hour before class.

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Instagram. Proper breakfasts for every day to keep fit 

If today you have a day without much physical activity, then breakfast should perform two functions at once – at the same time

saturate you, but prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

Start with a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice (if there are no stomach problems).

Warm water starts the entire digestive tract, while lemon juice awakens and stimulates the liver and gallbladder.

Then, try the healthy food specialty dessert for breakfast:

soy yogurt + fresh fruit + 2 tbsp bran + 2 tbsp chia seeds. Soy yogurt is less fat than animal milk product, but if you don't find it or don't like the taste, unsweetened classic yogurt is fine.

The addition of bran to food helps slow down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. This means that the feeling of hunger will not return soon, but at the same time, what you eat will go into energy, and not into fat reserves.

Newfangled Chia Seeds

– storehouse of nutrients. In addition, they are low in calories, but maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. And also provide the body with proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to its properties, chia seeds prevent cardiovascular disease and even depression! Proper breakfasts for every day in case of lack of appetite

Feeling unwell and have no appetite? Or just can't get your head off the pillow? You can move breakfast to a later time, but you can't skip it at all!

According to statistics, about 30% of adults in developed countries do not eat breakfast at all. And absolutely in vain!

Breakfast – it is that magic "pill" that starts your whole inner engine. Cheerfulness until lunch is guaranteed! In addition, if your work is related to mental activity, glucose replenishment of the brain is essential. It has also been proven by studies that those people who ignore the morning meal and then interrupted by messy snacks before lunch are more prone to gaining excess weight.

Breakfast formula #1:
tomato salad + 1 egg + ham, chicken or turkey + tea or coffee

Breakfast Formula #2: Sugar Free Muesli + Low Fat Milk + 1 Fresh Seasonal Fruit + Tea or Coffee

In the first version, the emphasis is on proteins and vegetables (tomatoes can be replaced with other vegetables, but nutritionists insist that it is more useful to eat tomatoes in the morning). In the second – for slow carbohydrates, glucose and calcium. Both options are useful, choose depending on your goals and taste.

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If it is vitally important for you that today your "bowler" “cooked” well, which means that breakfast should provide the brain with quality nutrition.

Normally, the brain uses glucose as fuel. The body simply accumulates its reserve in order to supply the brain with – without interruptions and jumps, at any time of the day. So jokes about eating a chocolate bar to instantly recharge your brain – it's just a joke.


reinforcement in the form of sweets

has a different, not very good effect. Sweets will cheer you up for a short time with an immediate spike in blood sugar and hormone production, but then make you even more irritable. Therefore, if you have a meeting of importance, it is better to throw useful resources into the furnace, and not coffee and sweets. Breakfast formula: porridge + pumpkin seeds + flax seeds + fresh seasonal fruits + a glass of fresh juice (best of all, citrus fruits) + tea.

Among all the cereals, we recommend choosing oatmeal, buckwheat or wheat for breakfast – they have a low glycemic index, but a large amount of minerals. Pumpkin seeds – source of omega-6, and flax seeds – omega-3.

As you can see, breakfast – it is in many aspects a real panacea for the health of the body and well-being. So stop blaming your lack of appetite and just train yourself to eat in the morning. Appetite comes with eating! It's worth starting – and you yourself will be surprised how you used to manage to do without breakfast or grab a cup of coffee on the run. And the beneficial effect will convince you to continue to monitor your morning diet.

The contents of your morning plate should depend on the type of activity and your goal. We hope you enjoy our daily breakfast options!

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