Профилактика простуды: лайфхаки для укрепления здоровья

Colds and flu – bacterial and viral infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In most cases, colds are caused by viruses. Bacteria may later join and settle in the airways, making the situation worse.

They are especially active in the cold season, when the body is weakened due to lack of vitamins, lack of joy hormones and short daylight hours.

In order to prevent illness, it is better to do prevention of colds. The online publication estet-portal.com today will reveal life hacks to protect yourself from colds.

1. Medicinal methods for the prevention of colds
2. What to eat to improve health
3. Is vaccination effective in preventing colds

Medicinal methods for the prevention of colds

Many people resort to the use of immunomodulators and antiviral agents for preventive purposes. Pharmacy shelves are full of such drugs, but not all doctors consider this a good alternative to preventing colds.

The fact is that, with the uncontrolled use of immunomodulators, the body ceases to produce interferons itself – substances that fight viruses.

Besides, the body gets used to it and soon the drug itself ceases to act on it.

The use of medicinal methods in prophylaxis of colds should only be used on the indication of an immunologist who has really established that the body needs special remedies, since immunity is very low.

Various independent conclusions "My husband and I often get the flu, so we need immunomodulators" do not apply here.

It is worth recalling that many pharmaceutical products – this is just good advertising so don't waste your money.

Of the medicines , you can only strengthen the body with good herbal teas based on viburnum, elderberry, lemon and honey. These teas have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to work well among patients.

Using medicines to prevent colds, you run the risk of killing your immunity and depriving your body of the ability to fight diseases on its own.

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What to eat to improve health

Even with the development of technology and science, natural folk remedies – best ways in prevention of colds.

The top products for diseases include:

1. Bee honey. It is better to buy this product from trusted beekeepers, and not in supermarkets. Ideal combination of honey and tea with lemon. In no case do not put honey directly into tea, as it not only loses all its healing qualities, but becomes harmful and toxic.

2. Yoghurts with bifidobacteria. It is very important to buy natural yoghurts, which contain live bacteria. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and as you know, 80% of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms are found in the stomach. Thus, the state of the body is normalized and the ability to resist viruses increases.

3. Fruits and vegetables. A special role belongs to citrus fruits, which are rich in vitamin C. It is important to consume grapefruit, pomegranate, tomatoes and cranberries. These products increase immunity and strengthen blood vessels of the heart . Carrots and pumpkin boast antiviral properties as they contain elements that can be converted to vitamin A. Also sauerkraut – excellent source of ascorbic acid. It is excellent to use it with onions and a drop of sunflower oil.

4. Whole Grain Cereals – a storehouse of micro and macro elements necessary for the body in the prevention of colds. Buckwheat and oatmeal will be especially useful if you use them without cooking, but pour hot boiling water over night. Eat in the morning, adding fruits, berries as desired.

5. Beef – the best meat to prevent colds. It is rich in protein, zinc, and other elements needed by the body. Pairs well with garlic. It contains allicin, which helps prevent complications after diseases, and also has antiseptic and antiviral effects.

However, don't put high hopes on food. They only help, but do not protect 100% from the disease. So don't stoop to absurd things like hanging garlic cloves around your house. This will not give any result.

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Is vaccination effective in preventing colds

Complete prevention of colds and flu cannot be done without vaccination. Modern vaccinations protect against influenza viruses by 90%.

This is especially true for women who are planning a pregnancy. After all, if you get the flu or a bad cold in the first trimester, it can have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus.

However, prevention of colds by vaccination has its drawbacks:

• expensive vaccines;
• contraindications due to serious diseases of the heart, lungs;
• should not be given to children under six months - 3 years (depending on the vaccine);
• the effect of the vaccine lasts about a year.

But these shortcomings are small compared to the positive possibilities that vaccines provide:

• You can live in peace for a year without being afraid to ride public transport, where everyone sneezes and coughs;
• You are calm that you can give birth to a healthy baby (during pregnancy);
• the vaccine is cheaper than treating a cold and the consequences after it.

Cold prevention is 90% good nutrition, an active lifestyle, outdoor activities.

The remaining 10% are pharmacy vitamin complexes.

Immunostimulants should not be used as the main means to raise vitality: this can harm the body's ability to independently produce elements to fight viruses.

In your search for the perfect remedy for colds, look into vaccines as well. However, only use them after consulting a therapist.

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