Синдром «возвращения»: как освободить себя из плена «праздничного послевкусия»

60 to 70 percent of people return to work after the holidays more positive, energetic, less stressed. But the miracle does not last long, in 40% of cases in less than a week there is a return syndrome with sleep disturbances, bad mood and difficulty concentrating. What to do in order not to lose the precious state of mind? The "return" syndrome - avoid it by changing the calendar from holiday to holiday. 

As for practical advice, very little is needed to avoid wasting health, time and mood in an empty way, it is necessary to confront with courage and patience in order to recover and return to everyday life, maintaining calm and optimism. 

How to get back to work and be more productive

  • Stay asleep. The body needs time to return the habit to a new rhythm, sleep 7-8 hours, which will help restoration of the body to normal and get the necessary energy for the next working day. 

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  • Restore the pace gradually. Set your alarms early, get up early for the first week of work to exercise, take a contrast shower, spend a little more time at home.

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  • Slowly resume work. No need to force time and become a perfect workaholic for a few days. Download your inbox before returning to the office. This way you will avoid the alarm effect triggered by the flood of letters by reviewing everything in advance before work. 

  • Give yourself a short and frequent break from your workday. Fifteen minutes of rest is a great way to re-energize without having to wait until lunch time. Old, working habits need to be restored.

  • A glider is needed more than ever – write down plans for the day or week, which will help keep things under control, clearly follow the previously set tasks.

  • No gadgets in bed – phone, computer, tablet, TV. They disturb sleep and fuel anxiety. Read better an interesting book. 

How to restore and normalize nutrition

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    Fight hunger with healthy snacks
  • . For main meals, treat yourself to snacks and a light lunch, but don't opt ​​for pizza or desserts, opt for healthy, highly satiating foods like a handful of almonds to help you focus, banana or seasonal fruits, yogurt, cereal bars. Also, treat yourself to ice cream if it's fruity.

  • For lunch and dinner
  • , moderate carbohydrates with minimal spice. Use no more than two to three tablespoons of olive oil per day. To spice up vegetables and salad, opt for vinegar and lemon juice, then limit salt, which promotes water retention, and replace it with spices and herbs. To promote weight loss in a healthy and gradual way, have a bowl of pasta or rice for lunch, preferably wholemeal to increase satiety, with fresh vegetables. For dinner, it is better to eat white meat or fish to provide the right amount of proteins and fats, accompanied by a side dish of mixed salad or fresh vegetables, or low-fat cheeses, which should be eaten a couple of times a week, combined with raw vegetables, or cooked, preferably steamed .<

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Drink a relaxing herbal tea

to relax and cleanse your body. Reduce your intake of alcohol, coffee and drink plenty of water to

detoxify your body
    . Re-hydrate by drinking at least 1.5 liters of
  • water per day. How to tone the body and restore "fighting spirit"
  • Do regular physical activity:

Gymnastics is the fundamental element to

getting back into shape
    after a lot of fun. If you still don't feel like going back to the gym, implement a brisk walk for at least 40 minutes or a light jog. After you regain your strength and return to normal physical activity, do them regularly, at least 3 times a week, to strengthen the muscles and quickly get into the desired shape. 
  • Back at the gym
    don't do the same program you did before: try a different type of training. Ask your instructor or your personal trainer to change your training program. You will feel more ready and energized to get back to the gym.

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Take a close look at the photos from

: your body is the biggest

    . Look at yourself and think about what you want to change and improve. Always remember your goal.
  • Conclusion: Evaluate the positive effects of rest. Do not give up, keep the rhythm on the weekends, perseverance will return you to the desired state of mind and body. New challenges await you. Be optimistic!
  • More useful and interesting information on our
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