Снижение либидо у женщин: почему не хочется секса

Libido – this is sexual desire, when a person wants intimacy and affection. Desire tends to change: it either weakens or intensifies, and this is the norm. But when the decrease in libido in women is pronounced and lasts a long time, then it is worth understanding the problem in more detail. An important stage in overcoming pathology – it is to identify the cause.

estet-portal.com offers to consider the common causes and signs of a decrease in female libido. Having identified the cause, it is much easier to overcome the problem and think about ways to solve it. Therefore, do not immediately despair, if there is no desire for sexual intimacy, first we will understand the deviation.

The reason for the decrease in libido in women: a moral principle

Often, to determine the cause of the weakening of desire, it is not necessary to dig deep. Incorrect settings – common cause of the problem. This means that the essence of the problem is hidden in the head, that is, some attitudes are in our subconscious.

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Such stereotypes are laid down in childhood, in a family where parents are conservatives, prefer a strict upbringing or are immersed in religion. It is possible to overcome such attitudes, but often the help of a psychotherapist is required. xxxx>

Psychological and physical injuries as a cause of decreased libido in women

It is worth noting that the libido is considered vulnerable, as is the human psyche. That is why psychological or physical trauma prevents sexual desire from developing properly. Such injuries can be transferred even in childhood. For example, if a woman in childhood suffered from beating her father, then as an adult, she can associate all males with pain, etc.

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Injuries lead to incorrect formation of desire, or rather to its absence or decrease. If the injury was received at an older age, then it will be much easier to solve the problem by understanding the situation. xxxx>handle her Grievances accumulate and contribute to a decrease in libido The vulnerability of the libido extends not only to injuries, but also to the insults of a person. Experts note that even a slight resentment of a woman against a partner can lead to serious problems with sexual desire. The accumulation of grievances is especially dangerous, because they put more and more pressure on the psyche, so it is important to speak out conflict situations with a partner.

When a woman is offended in her soul, but pretends that everything is fine, then soon, one may encounter a reluctance to have sex with her offender. If you notice that you are starting to look for reasons to refuse intimacy (tired, headache, etc.), then you should think about the presence of problems with libido. Do not close yourself in, but discuss all grievances with a man.

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How physiological problems affect desire Undoubtedly, our psyche is connected with the state of libido, but we should not lose sight of the physical state. There are a number of physical reasons that lead to a decrease in libido in women: ; you are tired, which is quite natural, and if a woman thinks all day how to hug a pillow and sleep off, then sexual intimacy is out of the question; • medications can negatively affect libido, antidepressants and contraceptives can reduce desire;

• hormonal state, which depends on a number of factors, for example, the hormonal background of a woman changes during pregnancy, with strong physical exertion, etc.;
• you have complexes about your appearance and do not want

Depending on
the reason for the decrease in libido in women,
you can find a way out of the situation. A woman first of all should love herself and her body, which means more rest and less nervous. If you can’t return the desire on your own, a sexologist will always come to the rescue.

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