Весенняя хандра: боремся с депрессией

Many of us have a hard time enduring the winter due to the terrible cold and the constant lack of sun. The impression is that you constantly live in the twilight. You wake up in the morning for work/study – dark, coming back from work/study – dark again.

I want to howl at the moon, which is not visible behind the clouds in cloudy winter weather – even at night, winter deprives us of at least some light. And we are all so anxiously waiting for the onset of spring, warmth, and we want to change 33 clothes for our favorite leather jackets. But with the onset of the warm season, the blues do not go away for everyone, and for some, the spring blues is just beginning.

and you walk only with the dog; I want to go to Barcelona but the work has dragged you into its networks and the budget allows you to rush only to the final metro station; and a million and one more factors that can affect the appearance of spring blues.

The editors of estet-portal.com will help you identify and neutralize the spring blues.

Seasonal blues: why it happens

When we think about depression and the risk of suicide, most of us guess that the peak is in the fall and winter months, due to the decrease in hours of sunlight and various stresses. In the US, by the way, September is National Suicide Prevention Month and October is National Depression Awareness Month, and many news reports still falsely attribute higher depression and suicide rates to autumn and early winter.

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However, studies around the world show that depression and suicide rates peak in late spring and early summer. In psychology and sociology circles, the spring blues is theoretically due to the fact that people usually experience increased social pressure and spring asthenia (low energy), which can increase stress. !

Spring blues: when it's not funny at all It is not always easy to adapt from one type of weather to another, and a previous history of depression and bipolar disorder can exacerbate symptoms. You may feel restless, irritable, cranky, have a low appetite and sex drive, and feel the need to isolate yourself.

While most people who suffer from winter depression see it as a form of comfort and protection, they enjoy being at home, reading, watching movies and spending time alone. When spring suddenly arrives and you are expected to go out more and be social, anxiety sets in.

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There is already social pressure that you should be happy in the spring. Most people enjoy spring and can't wait for it to come, so the fact that you don't share their feelings can make you think about the negative things in your life. You may feel like you're the only one having a bad time or wanting to isolate yourself from your friends.

And let's not forget seasonal allergies that affect millions of people, causing annoying symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, puffy eyes and itching.
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It's hard to enjoy spring when pollen becomes a merciless killer, so it's no surprise that the spring months are a curse rather than a blessing for many people

Spring blues: fighting depression with sports
Sport is not only good for your physical health, but also for your mood. If you're feeling out of sorts in the early days of spring and can't breathe without being out of breath, work on a weekly action plan to get in better shape. Don't worry, we're not trying to force you to go to the gym if you hate it, there are plenty of other good ways to get active and stay fit that don't require exhausting workouts under the watchful eye of trainers. Find the form of physical activity that's right for you. It can be anything from jogging and dancing to skipping rope, walking the dog or playing with the kids. As long as your heart beats faster and you are distracted by active time, this will also help you to cheer up.

My default imageMake the changes you've been wanting to make

Sometimes you need a little reminder that you are great and you should love yourself. And while spending three months in oversized sweatshirts can be convenient, it's not always good for your self-esteem. Spring is the perfect time to make one of those changes you've been dreaming of for ages but always put off. Are you wondering what you would look like with shorter hair? Get a haircut and you will feel like a new person! Take a chance and do, for example, eyebrow lamination or enlarge your lips! Now is the time to experiment and gradually leave your comfort zone.

Upgrade your wardrobe, buy new cosmetics or change the look of your home. This might just be what you need to feel refreshed!

Eyebrow lamination: an innovation in the beauty industry

Eat healthy food and take your vitamins Spring asthenia may be another reason why you don't feel so good this spring. Causing symptoms that can be mistaken for depression (apathy, headaches, insomnia, irritability), asthenia occurs when our body has difficulty adjusting to weather changes. Food is to blame for this, as no one else and nothing else, because the lack of fresh fruits and vitamins in winter leads to deficiency and weakening of the immune system. Try to phase out the sugary and fatty foods you enjoyed during the winter with fresh, healthy alternatives like smoothies and salads. Make an appointment for a blood test and ask your doctor to recommend a few vitamins in case you are deficient.

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Detox cleansing of the body: what is it for

Love yourself and what you do Life flies by at the speed of light and your daily responsibilities at work or at home can prevent you from focusing on yourself and giving yourself the attention you deserve. Don't let time pass you by without addressing the source of your stress and anxiety, because you will only end up feeling worse. Take a few minutes of meditation every day and live in the present. Listen to relaxing music, spend time in nature, and remember to breathe. Surround yourself with the right people, don’t be afraid to talk about important things with a friend, don’t be shy to cry on the shoulder of a loved one, stop doing what you have to do through force, don’t be hypocrites and don’t do everything solely for profit, go beyond comfort and run from routine. Watch good ilms, read your favorite fiction,

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Say «no» spring blues and bad mood
Each of us at least once faced with a terrible seasonal blues and bad mood, when you want to lock yourself in four walls, watch melodramas, bursting into tears. Each of us turned off the phone at least once on a Friday night, not wanting to see anyone and isolating ourselves from everyone and everything. Everything has its time. Give vent to emotions, cry, but in no case do not dive headlong into a depressive state. If you're stuck in the seasonal blues, then you love it because

there's no way out of the coffin!


Remember that we only have one life (if you don't believe in the reincarnation of souls) and there can be no time for depression! We need to be happy here and now.

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