Врачи рассказали, как определить болезнь по лицу

Face — business card of every person. To keep it beautiful, we resort to various cosmetic procedures, use a variety of care products and protect the condition of our skin in every possible way. But sometimes, we can observe some changes on different organs in the face area. Usually, they do not cause suspicion, but in some cases, such changes can become symptoms of a variety of diseases.

The editors of estet-portal will tell you how to identify the disease just by looking at the face.

How to determine the disease by complexion

If your face has acquired a yellowish uncharacteristic hue, this may be a signal of liver disease. If the face became gray — contact a cardiologist, check the heart. Too pale, bluish complexion can be a sign of pulmonary disease or anemia. And an earthy hue suggests the development of a tumor. Tuberculosis may be indicated by a waxy complexion.

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If you have a deep crease between your eyebrows, it's likely — This is an indication of chronic pain syndrome. And small wrinkles speak of liver disease.

Eyes — it is a mirror of the human soul

If you have reddened, inflamed eyes and this is not caused by external influences, we advise you to consult a specialist. Red watery eyes can be a sign of conjunctivitis — inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. 

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Twitching of the eyelids, for example, may indicate a lack of magnesium in the body. And irregularly shaped yellow spots around the eyes can indicate cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

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If the eyes are sunken and the skin near the eyes is swollen, this factor should also not be ignored. insomnia and fatigue can give such results. In this case, you can do compresses and, nevertheless, sleep. If you get enough rest, but you still have such symptoms — this could be a sign of an allergic reaction.

Cheeks: what threatens the blush

How to identify the disease on the cheeks?

If your cheeks have a blush, not from shame or heat, or other external factors, consult a doctor. Blushing can be a sign of diabetes or a problem with blood pressure.

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If you feel constant itching on your cheeks, it could be an allergy sign. And also, itching can signal problems with the thyroid gland, blood disease, or kidney failure.

Did unnatural redness appear on the cheeks and vessels become expressive? This may indicate lung disease.

What does the color of the nose indicate

If rashes appear on the wings of the nose, deep pores and the nose turns red, this is one of the signs of bronchitis.
Blood comes from the nose during any stressful conditions or loads? You may have high blood pressure. A red nose with bumps and redness of the cheeks also indicate high blood pressure. And if these symptoms are accompanied by pain in the temples and a rapid heartbeat, this may be a sign of hypertension.
And if the tip of the nose turns white, you should consult a specialist, this symptom may be a sign of peptic ulcer or circulatory problems.

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Take care of your face and take care of its beauty. It not only creates the first impression of you, but knows how to identify the disease and show you the signs of it.

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