Высококалорийные продукты питания и напитки, которые могут удивить вас

Each of us knows that our favorite food – it is 100% harmful and oily. Pizza, chocolate bar, burger, sweet drinks – these are high-calorie foods that can be included in the diet on cheat meals.

But did you know that diet food – it is not always healthy and certainly not low-calorie. All girls love to order Caesar salad in restaurants, thinking that if it is a salad with chicken breast, then it is quite suitable for the diet.

estet-portal.com editors have prepared a list of high-calorie foods that you hardly knew about.

  • High-calorie foods: useful and unhealthy
  • List of "unexpected" high-calorie High-calorie foods: useful and unhealthy calories  People sometimes go to McDonald's and think they can choose something less harmful, like a fish burger, but they don't realize that even this "healthy" a sandwich is almost half of what a person needs in a day.Drinks are another surprisingly high-calorie food source consumed daily. Most often, people do not think about the calorie content of drinks and do not count three cups of latte per day.

Imagine for a moment if you were eating only pure sugar. If you weren't consuming more sugar calories than you expended, your weight would stay the same. What will happen to your body? First, you will suffer from significant nutritional deficiencies and therefore your body will not be able to maintain normal functioning. After all, sucrose doesn't really provide you with any valuable nutrients. The effects are noticeable not only for your overall health, but also for the appearance of your skin and the functioning of your immune system.

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Don't forget: Healthy food is not just about calories. More importantly, they provide us with vitamins, minerals and fiber. They also determine how full of energy you are after a meal. Nuts and cookies – one calorie. But the first – it is healthy, useful and necessary food. They provide very important nutrients. Your body knows how to break down and "eat" these nutrients, and they will keep you energized for longer than that

My default imagesame cookie.

List of "unexpected" high-calorie foods
Caesar Salad – approximately 714 calories

If you think there is lettuce in a Caesar salad, it's pp, you're wrong. There's croutons (which can often be deep fried), parmesan, bacon, and then a sauce that's made from egg yolk, butter, and cheese. So you have a leaf of lettuce, and on top of it a mountain of fat.

Croissant – approximately 541 calories

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What, exactly, is that croissant? Light, thin, one dough.

If you've ever made your own croissants, you might know what's in them: layers of dough and a lot of butter in between.
But the croissant – this is one of the favorite types of
for many, and if also with chocolate and
hot latte

– do you smell France and how slowly your ass is growing?

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Meat steak - 682 calories

It seemed to be meat – something that should be included in the diet. Dietologists say that one steak – This is the daily rate for two people! And now there is a trend of steaks retaining fat by doubling their CBJU.

Granola - 294 calories (per 3/4 cup)

Muesli, which are just oats nuts – it's healthy food and the right calories. But after all, such a dish will seem insipid to you, so we choose granola with chocolate and other sweeteners, thus making it not so healthy and very high in calories.

My default imageHummus – approximately 400 calories

Favorite by many

«useful» appetizer

. Indeed, this is a great alternative to a snack when there is no time to cook and no opportunity to leave the workplace. But it doesn’t know that you need to gobble up a whole jar at a time, because hummus is so delicious. And add bread to this.My default image

Green Elixir of Youth

Hummus is a good source of protein and fiber that help you feel full, making it a great snack. But don't overdo it.

My default imageBanana Bread - 614 Calories

Another surprisingly warm food is banana bread.

Keto Slimming Smoothie

One slice of Boost Juice Banana Bread (140 grams) has 304 calories, while a slice from 7-Eleven (for 90 grams is pretty low!) - 306 calories.

Protein bars and shakes – approximately 380 calories

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People are exercising a lot and still gaining weight. But they have several protein shakes a day, so it's not surprising because these shakes are 200-300 calories.

Yes, yes, but it would seem that these are just fruits and vegetables. Detox discharges are really helpful, but don't overuse

Coconut waterMy default image - 55 calories (glass)

Although only one cup of coconut water does not contain a lot of calories, but every glass – additional kcal.

Coconut flesh

CoconutMy default image rich in fiber and really very nutritious, as 100 gr contains 353 kcal . It contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which makes it impossible to become part of the diet.

Dried fruits

Many people like dried apricots and raisins (especially if these raisins are just part of the cake), figs, prunes and dates. Not only is it delicious, it's also healthy! But did you know that these sweets are rich in sugars and contain almost 400 calories per 100 grams? Let's keep the title of a healthy product rich in nutrients, fiber and microelements for dried fruits, but we will limit their consumption to a handful a day and preferably before lunch. hiding" under the guise of useful and dietary.

Be healthy!

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