Заводить ли кота: необычные причины привести в дом питомца

Many people doubt whether to get a cat or not. Indeed, in society there is an opinion that such pets are selfish by nature. Just give them food and that's it, they don't need anything else. But actually it is not. Mustachioed pets are wonderful friends who give their owners affection, tenderness and joy. They are also excellent therapists who improve health, as well as treat diseases and depression. In this material, the editors of the Internet publication estet-portal.com give you some unusual reasons to get a four-legged friend, which are confirmed by science.

1. Whether to get a cat: pet – the best remedy for insomnia
2. Cat – purring healer that benefits the heart, muscles and bones
3. A mustachioed pet reduces the risk of catching infections and allergies in children
4. Whether to get a cat: a furry friend makes us smarter
5. The Purring Miracle helps you improve your communication skills
6. The cat relieves depression and loneliness

Whether to get a cat: pet – best cure for insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, get yourself a cat and let him into your bedroom or even under the covers. After some time, your sleep will become deeper and calmer, and in the morning – cheerful. The positive impact of cuddling with a pet at night has been proven by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. So, they interviewed 150 patients. And 40% of those who shared a bed with a pet reported that they slept soundly at night. Sleep specialist Lois Crane believes that cat acts as a sedative. Therefore, those who have this pet at home will not need sleeping pills.

Cat – a purring healer that benefits the heart, muscles and bones

Many doctors claim that cat purring has a positive effect on human health. So, communication with a pet leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, normalization of blood pressure and strengthening of the cardiovascular system. Those who constantly play with a mustachioed friend practically do not suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Researchers from the University of Minnesota have found that cat owners experience less stress, which in turn reduces the risk of a heart attack by 40%.

When a cat purrs, it emits sounds at a frequency of 20-140 Hz. And studies show that frequencies in the range of 18-35 Hz have a healing effect.

And cats also help to improve joint mobility, strengthen muscles, heal microtraumas, and prevent muscle atrophy. Therefore, if you are in doubt about whether to get a cat, put all doubts aside and get a kitten who will become a real family therapist. You just need to care for him and stroke him.

A mustachioed pet reduces the risk of catching an infection and allergies in children

Researchers never cease to amaze with the conclusions about the benefits of cats. They found that pets also strengthen the immune systems of young children, thus contributing to effective protection against respiratory ailments and gastroenteritis. In addition, children who are constantly in contact with cats are less likely to suffer from allergic manifestations and asthma. And the more time a child spends with a mustachioed friend, the less likely it is that he will get sick. Therefore, you can safely take a kitten or an adult cat to your house.

Whether to get a cat: a furry friend makes us smarter

Living with a cat under the same roof, a person has an intelligence level an order of magnitude higher than dog owners. This conclusion was reached by studies conducted by scientists from Carroll University in the United States. The experiment involved about 600 respondents – cat and dog lovers. After the test, it turned out that those who have a cat at home are smarter than the owners of cheerful four-legged friends. Such people are more closed in themselves, but their inner world is very rich. In addition, cat owners are more balanced and independent.

The Purring Miracle helps improve communication skills

The cat helps closed and shy individuals to liberate themselves. This animal is quite sociable. It is interested in everything that surrounds it, including people. Therefore, regular communication with a mustachioed friend improves communication skills. Cats are especially useful for children with autism. So, scientists from the University of Queensland, after a study, found that autistic children who play with cats are more willing to make contact and smile than those who who do not communicate with pets. Therefore, we can conclude that the cat – best friend for a child.

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The cat relieves depression and loneliness

Caring for an affectionate creature, a person is distracted from everyday problems and worries, becomes less stressed. After all, cats naturally take negative energy and turn it into positive. Therefore, it is not surprising why after playing and interacting with a pet, mood improves.

A mustachioed pet is also indispensable in periods of deep loneliness associated with separation, loss of friends or moving to a foreign city. Caring, feeding and cleaning the tray, as it were, makes the owner continue to live on.

And research conducted by scientists from the University of Missouri found that a cat relieves stress. It has also been proven that this animal helps its owner survive a deep depression, returning him to a normal life.

Also, we didn't mention that cats make people happy. After all, if you stroke these cute creatures on the back, as well as play and communicate with them, the level of oxytocin increases in the body – love hormone. He also makes people happy. Therefore, if you are still wondering whether to get a cat, be sure to get it. You will not regret this choice, because you will receive not only a reliable purring friend, but also a home therapist, a sedative, and an antidepressant that will make your life more fun, happier, healthier and brighter.

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