Nails – these are, as you know, appendages of the skin, which are formed from horny cells and are dense thickenings on the terminal phalanges of the fingers. Healthy, beautiful and well-groomed nails should be the norm for everyone. In addition, healthy nails – the key to a successful manicure and pedicure. The nail plate, not affected by any disease, has a shiny surface and pink color, it is smooth, even, and hard. If the plates change color, they often break, become layered, flattened, or, on the contrary, become too convex, ribbed, and, possibly, there are skin problems around them – this is already a significant reason to worry, read more on
Strong and healthy nails: we will protect them from diseases
We often don't pay enough attention to our nails. And beautiful nails – it is, first of all, healthy nails.
The skin of fingers and nails is subject to various diseases, and in order to carry out an elementary diagnosis, of course, one should know their manifestations and how to avoid unpleasant moments with their condition as much as possible.
This is a viral disease transmitted through contact. The development of the disease is possible due to trauma to the skin, lowering it pH level, dryness or increased sweating. These are inflammatory nodules – flat or spherical. When warts appear on the nail roller, the nail itself often becomes thinner, its surface becomes rough. The wart on the tip of the finger can "go away" and under the nail, which is often accompanied by painful sensations, separation of the nail from the bed, it becomes dull. Removal of these growths is possible with liquid nitrogen, lye pencil or vinegar essence (70%). It is also possible to get rid of warts with the help of cosmetic devices. In any case, all procedures are performed by a cosmetologist.
This is a disease of a parasitic nature, it is contagious, and the causative agent is the scabies mite. The most common route of infection – saunas, swimming pools or contact with the patient, his things. The disease is characterized by severe itching, and on the sides of the fingers or between them, thin small strips are visible, dotted with bubbles – this is the so-called. scabies moves. Scabies is treated with antiparasitic drugs.
Nail trichophytosis and epidermophytosis
Trichophytosis most often occurs on the fingers: in the thickness of the nail, you can see light gray spots that "dissipate" from the free edge of the plate. The nail thickens, becomes bumpy, often breaks.
Athlete's dermophytosis, if it occurs, is mainly on the little fingers and thumbs of the lower extremities. The nail is covered with yellow spots, also thickens, becomes loose, which, in the end, leads to its destruction. You can get this disease in swimming pools, saunas or when using someone else's shoes. Humidity of the skin, cracks in it, excessive sweating and pollution have a lot to do with the possibility of infection.
Treatment of fungal diseases, no doubt, should be trusted by specialists. And the prevention of such diseases must necessarily include skin hygiene, the use of individual household items (shoes, washcloths, towels), regular disinfection of floors, bathtubs, manicure tools and pedicure. It is also advisable to disinfect shoes: wipe them from the inside with vinegar essence (70%).
But there are problems with nails or diseases that are not fungal in nature. These can be: ingrowth of the nail into soft tissues (which often occurs due to improper nail care), hangnails (traumatic damage to the skin around the nail), grooves on them (often appear after suffering nervous or infectious diseases). And a change in the color of the nail plates, as a rule, signals the occurrence of certain problems in the body.
There is also such a thing as aging nails, when over time they lose their elasticity, transparency and turn yellow. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the help of specialists, in others – the problem is solved by home treatment procedures (in particular, baths with sea salt are good) and strengthening nails by correcting your diet.
Don't forget that a complete renewal of the nail plate lasts 3.5 months. And damage to the nail skin or itself & nbsp; plates fraught with infection under the nail fold, which, in turn, leads to disease of the nail. Therefore, when performing a manicure (pedicure), do it carefully and carefully.
Long and healthy nails — every woman's dream. Take care of them and try to treat them on time, without delaying them until more serious problems arise.
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