Медики рассказали, почему нельзя йодированную соль и как правильно ее использовать

Today, various food additives have become favorites in almost every kitchen. And one of the most popular is iodized salt. Designed to be an effective preventive and supplement for iodine deficiency, this dietary supplement succeeds in     

But not everyone knows when really need it. And even fewer people understand why iodized salt is not allowed and under what circumstances it becomes harmful - read about this in the article estet-portal.com.

When iodized salt becomes healthy

The composition of iodized salt includes only two components: sodium chloride and iodine. If everything is clear with the first substance — this is ordinary table salt, then with the second is a little more difficult.

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Iodine refers to substances vital for the proper functioning of the whole organism. Many believe that only the functioning of the thyroid gland depends on this chemical element. Such a statement is not entirely fair. This body is responsible for regulating many processes in the human body, therefore, violations of the functions of this gland will inevitably affect the general state of health and even intellect.

Read also: What is the role of the thyroid gland in human life: its functions




Therefore, iodized salt for the thyroid gland (and respectively, for health in general) is useful under such circumstances:

  • you live in a region with iodine deficiency (information about you can get on the SES website, in regional print media or by contacting your doctor);

  • you use only high quality salt, the composition of which meets all the declared characteristics;

  • You control the daily amount of salt you consume;

  • your diet is generally balanced and contains all the substances your body needs.

If the above conditions are present, iodized salt will be a useful addition to the diet and will help to prevent thyroid diseases and their complications.

But in a number of cases it is worth considering: is does need an "enriched" salt and won whether it will bring harm to health.

Why can't iodized salt

The greatest risk of consuming iodized salt is that the product does not meet the manufacturer's specifications.

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With an average daily requirement of an adult in  iodine (150 mcg), it is enough for him to consume 0.5 tsp. salts containing this chemical element.

But when evaluating the quality of such salt in laboratory conditions, it often turns out that the amount of iodine is lower than the declared one by 2, and then and  3 times.

In practice, this would mean the following. As long as you add iodized salt to food, knowing that you replenish the body's need for iodine, iodine deficiency continues to "build up momentum".

In this sense, the harm of iodized salt can be called conditional — it doesn causes no direct harm to health, but only "deceives" it into believing it is useful.

But that's what makes such salt really dangerous — harmful impurities. So, when checking some brands in iodized salt, traces of arsenic, lead, mercury and other chemical compounds harmful to human health .

How to properly use iodized salt

The above facts do not prohibit the use of iodine-fortified salt. They make it necessary to carefully select a given product. And if and and also listen to the following recommendations — iodized salt will definitely benefit:

  • in case of hypertension and  kidney diseases, it is better to replace part of iodized salt with products naturally containing iodine (seaweed, walnuts, apples with  seeds);

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  • watch the expiration date of iodized salt and store it in a tightly closed container — iodine quickly disappears and salt loses its value;

  • include in your diet whole milk and products from (cream, ice cream, yogurt, butter) — the substances included in the composition of natural milk help iodine to be absorbed.

And last. If you think you have an iodine deficiency — consult your doctor first. The lack of many vitamins and minerals has similar manifestations with iodine deficiency, and this requires special diagnostics.

Read also: Listen to your body to know what your body needs

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