Молочная терапия лечит опасное заболевание

The centuries-old experience of the peoples of the whole world testifies to the benefits of milk. Since ancient times, the product has been used as a cure for diseases, bacterial infections, disorders of nervous origin. Hippocrates appointed him suffering from tuberculosis, Avicenna – argued that milk is an indispensable product in the diet of children and the elderly. Scientists from St. Petersburg for the first time began to use a fat-free product to support patients with heart failure. Ayurveda speaks of the benefits of a pure drink, without additives. Doctors recommend that women over the age of 40 consume dairy products daily to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

estet-portal.com will tell you what milk therapy is and how to use it.

Top 5 Milk Drinks for Health Benefits – milk therapy

Milk and figs. This is a natural mixture for coughs and hoarseness. Such a drug will strengthen the immune system, eliminate sore throat. It will help you quickly cope with stress and psychological overload. Bring 1 cup of milk to a boil, add 1-2 chopped figs, cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and wrap the drink for 2-3 hours, strain. It is recommended to drink one hour before meals, 3 times a day.


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Milk with honey and carrots. Such a drink was taken in Orthodox monasteries, even with severe tonsillitis and bronchitis. It relieved sore throats and cleared nasal congestion. Mix carrots, boiled milk and honey in proportions 2-1-1. Consume up to 10 times a day, in small sips. For more drinking, increase the dosage of the ingredients. 

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Milk and Borjomi. Just half a glass of warm milk and Borjomi water. when mixed, they turn into an effective remedy for bronchitis. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day. 

A nutritionist recommends a blood type diet for women and men


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Sage Leaves with Milk. 1 glass of milk and 1 tsp of sage leaves will help relieve dry cough and help phlegm to clear the lower respiratory tract. Mix and boil for 2 minutes. Drink after straining 3 times a day.

Oat milk. Mix 1 tbsp of cereal with 1 glass of milk and leave for 20 minutes. Helps with throat pain and fatigue.

Cosmetic properties of milk – homemade recipes

Simple washing with milk will help restore the protective functions of the skin, soothe it, restore elasticity and silkiness. Dilute the drink and water in equal parts, room temperature. Wash your face several times, walk with light massage movements over it. This milk therapy will ensure a healthy and even complexion for the whole day.

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Beauty recipes with milk:

  • milk bath – Add 2 liters of milk to a warm bath and lie down for 20 minutes, add a little honey or essential oil to moisturize the skin;

  • milk tonic to improve complexion – after removing makeup, treat your face with a cotton swab dipped in milk, if you experience discomfort, do not rush to wash it off, as the tonic narrows the pores, hold for 5 minutes;

Kefir Diet: Milk Way to Perfect Body

    moisturizing mask
  • – Mix 2 tbsp oatmeal with 1 tbsp milk, leave oatmeal to swell for 20 minutes, drain excess liquid, apply on face for 15 minutes;

  • anti-rash mask
  • – Dissolve 1 tsp of dry yeast in 1 tbsp of milk, apply only chilled mixture on oily skin, for sensitive and dry skin, treat only problem areas with the mixture;
    hair restoration
    – 2 tablespoons of sour milk, 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 2 drops of lavender, chamomile and ylang-ylang oils, 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E, heat the oil in a water bath, mix with sour milk, add the remaining ingredients, apply to hair , insulate them, keep for 20 minutes, wash off
  • with shampoo; Milk for the treatment of diseases of body systems
  • For diseases of the musculoskeletal system – arthritis, gout, a large load falls on the joints, ligaments and bones. Scientists from England conducted a study showing that 40% of patients who adhere to a dairy-vegetarian diet improve health faster.

British doctors have developed a diet for such patients. Divide a liter of milk into equal doses and drink throughout the day. Cottage cheese, vegetables and fish – menu addition.  

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Fermented milk products normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, they are necessary for gastritis, peptic ulcer, liver diseases. On the basis of low-fat cream, milk, cottage cheese and sour cream, soups, cereals are made, added to tea.

Shocking facts: what the latest milk study has shown

Milk has the ability to bind toxins and remove them from the body. When undergoing chemotherapy, patients lose their appetite, are unable to eat rough foods, a glass of milk and low-fat dairy products will be a salvation. They are digested faster than others.


Chinese medicine recommends drinking soy milk. This milk therapy is rich in natural antioxidants, has a positive effect on the functioning of the female hormonal system, delaying the aging period. The soy product improves the menstrual cycle, promotes a slim figure, according to the Chinese.

Benefit or harm: which dairy products should be excluded from the diet

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