Психолог рассказал, какие черты характера мужчин отталкивают женщин

First date – an important event for further relations. It is at the first meeting that a man tries to charm a woman as much as possible, making every effort. Sometimes the desire to impress is so great that the gentleman crosses the acceptable line without knowing it. Representatives of the stronger sex do not represent that some character traits cause negative emotions in the second half. He considers these features to be his "highlight", while the girls avoid meeting him because of them. But knowing what character traits of a man will help win the heart of a lady, you can easily attract the attention of any beauty.

estet-portal.com will tell you about the types of gentlemen who are not wanted to marry, and why this happens.

What character traits of a man irritate and scare away women

Look around and try to analyze the surrounding men and how the opposite sex reacts to them. Most likely, among those who are generally rejected, there will be possessors of the following character traits:

1. Weakness and uncertainty. A woman prefers to see a persistent and self-confident person next to her. One of his views should cause thoughts that everything will be fine. A strong reliable shoulder next to – something that the ladies do not refuse.

2. No interests. A large number of hobbies of the representative of the stronger sex – a sign of employment and seriousness. Not many will like a guy sitting on the couch with a beer, playing computer games for days.

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3. Too serious.
An inferiority complex also happens in men, they perceive any joke and banter addressed to them. With such a woman must always choose the right words, analyze her opinion, it is tiring.

4. Can't relax. Boring work, trouble at home, bad weather – no reason to doom your beloved to a boring life. It is necessary to relax regularly, to make sure that you are living and not existing.

5. Strives to agree on everything. Such concessions are good at first, when she appreciates how important she is to you. A constantly agreeing gentleman does not command respect. 

6. Uncertainty. Such a man is often jealous, suspects his companion of treason, controls her. Clarification of relationships and quarrels on the basis of jealousy are not the most favorite pastime of girls.

7. Arrogance. He associates all the victories and achievements of those around him with fate, luck and coincidence. He is incapable of achieving anything on his own. Does not accept advice, help, no interests or hobbies.

8. Too romantic. The survey showed that between the whiny romantic and the brutal type without a hint of romantic gestures, women choose the latter. Difficulties in life require a strong and confident side by side, and not a hovering in the clouds refined prince. 

Top 5 types of men who repel girls

One of the popular news sites opened a discussion for users on the topic of what character traits of a man are unpleasant for ladies. It turned out that the features that gentlemen present as a reason for pride are perceived negatively by some girls. 

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Early sexual life, a large number of former ladies, a demonstration of anger and strength, the use of swear words – similar "feats" scare away women.

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There are 5 types of guys who repel the fairer half:

  1. "Child". type that scares off the other half.

  2. "Bodybuilder". Fascination with your body in moderation – good, but constant selfies, admiration of muscles, achievements in the gym cause ambiguous feelings in girls.

  3. "Mommy's son". Family – the main source of love, if a man respects his mother, then his wife will be. Everything is good when in moderation. To sort out the quarrel, he recruits his mother, consults, invites the woman to talk to her – symptoms indicating excessive attachment to mother.

  4. "Too powerful". The guy who controls all the movements of the girl and forbids her a lot – scares her off. He spies on your correspondence, calls, does not like girlfriends. Lack of personal space does not suit anyone.

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"Traitor". A woman does not always know about the betrayal, but she guesses. Women's things found in the house, hidden    telephone conversations, delays at work – talk about the presence in his of another life. 

Negative male qualities that girls like

Psychologists say, and life proves that often such bad features of men attract a woman's soul:

  • selfish – proud, self-confident, knowing what he wants, the gentleman arouses interest and is perceived as strong and caring, on whom you can lean on and get support in any situation;

  • cunning – he knows how to adjust the rules of the game for himself and emerge victorious, for the fair sex he is reliable and successful;

  • brutal – it's not about aggression, but about strength, purposefulness, rudeness, where it is appropriate.

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Important – stick to the golden mean, do not discuss yourself for hours, do not show rudeness in everything. Carefully use your negative arsenal, direct it in the right direction. No one experiences pleasant feelings from resentment, deceit, humiliation, and no one will endure them forever.

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A loving girl will accept all the negative character traits of a man, provided that he makes an effort to infrequently display them. A long, happy life requires both in a couple to regularly make concessions, show feelings, and find a compromise. It is possible if you want.

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