Ребенок плохо набирает вес – особенность или патология

When your baby looks thin compared to other babies of the same age, this very often worries moms. When you come to see a pediatrician, you find out that the child is not gaining weight, you start to get nervous, mentally look for mistakes in building nutrition. Each baby develops according to individual parameters, but there are clear norms for growth, body volume and weight. If the baby's weight indicator is much less, then seek medical help. In infancy, it is much easier to gain grams than to gain the necessary kilograms later.

The editors of estet-portal.com will help you find out if your child has weight deviations, what are the reasons for this.

Child is not gaining weight well – feature or pathology

The average body weight of an infant at birth is 3.3 kg. Due to the restructuring of a small body, babies lose about 10% of their weight when they are discharged from the hospital. It's quite normal.

Doctors recommend weighing a newborn every week for two months, then – less often. When the baby adds 175-220 grams per week, then there is no reason for alarm. Do not worry if he suddenly began to recover more slowly, this may be due to a sharp growth spurt, an increase in energy expenditure, the introduction of complementary foods. A baby's body weight increases by 3 times per year.

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How to know when to worry? Signs of real cause for concern:

& bull; frequent crying, poor short sleep;

• lack of desire to eat, lack of activity;

• weight gain of less than 300 grams per month, in the first 8 weeks of life;

• pale skin, no fat folds.

It is very important to monitor the behavior, mobility of the baby: if he is cheerful, cheerful, sleeps well, is active, but without puffy cheeks – everything is fine. Sedentary and thin – reason to see a pediatrician. When children are teething, they get sick, then the eaten grams are spent faster. The doctor will confirm your concerns or dispel them.

Probable reasons why a child is not gaining weightMy default image1.

Lack of milk
– perhaps the baby lacks it, then you have problems with lactation or he has a poorly developed sucking reflex. If the baby is breastfed, but gaining little, most likely, he gets little milk. But don't make things worse – do not feed him, extra pounds are more difficult to remove.


No complementary foods – try changing the mixture (meaning artificial feeding, supplementing with a mixture). If the newborn refuses complementary foods, give him time to get used to, perhaps later you will see the treasured gained grams. need fats, add vegetable or butter to soups. Contact your pediatrician for advice on how to properly adjust the menu. Sugar hinders the process of assimilation of useful substances, exclude it.4.
– your son and daughter started walking before the age of one and now they are constantly moving, crawling from morning until evening, restless, active, then all the calories eaten are spent, therefore they do not add weight.
5. Diseases
– monitor the temperature, stool, anxiety of the baby, he may be sick. For example, dysbacteriosis causes weight loss. In newborns, a sterile intestinal environment, mother's milk contributes to the colonization of normal microflora. If you give a mixture from birth, then the microflora is disturbed.
6. You are not breastfeeding correctly
, don't skip night feeds, breastfeed about 11 times a day.

Nursing mother:

Dietary features
breast milk contributes to the colonization of normal microflora. If you give a mixture from birth, then the microflora is disturbed.

6. You are not breastfeeding correctly, don't skip night feeds, breastfeed about 11 times a day.

Nursing mother: Dietary features

breast milk contributes to the colonization of normal microflora. If you give a mixture from birth, then the microflora is disturbed.

6. You are not breastfeeding correctlyMy default image

Dietary features

Advice to parents whose child is not gaining weight

My default image• check the health of the child (get tested, do an ultrasound);

• be sure to observe the feeding regime – if you think that the baby is not full, then weigh before and after feeding, so you will understand how much he eats, show these numbers to the pediatrician;

• do not be afraid to introduce complementary foods, consistently give the baby new foods, at the appropriate age, it is very important for full development;• those who are formula-fed sometimes also need more formula, contact your doctor and he will adjust the amount needed.

Treatment and prevention of thrush in children under one year

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