Как поднять иммунитет ребенку: простые правила

When a child is ill, the mother does not find a place for herself. It is difficult to see a mobile fidget sluggish and uninterested in anything.

Often after several illnesses, parents try to overprotect the child, thus making him a "houseplant". This is wrong, because in this way you will aggravate the frequency of colds.

It would be right to ask, how to boost the child's immunity, and not hide him from infections. These other and other important questions are answered by the online publication estet-portal.com.

1. Why does a child often get colds
2. How to raise the child's immunity with effective methods

Why does my child often get colds

There can be many reasons for frequent colds in children. First of all it is excessive guardianship: the desire to insulate as much as possible, hide from other children, so as not to get infected from them, close the windows so that the cold wind does not get into the apartment.

By creating such greenhouse conditions, you do not allow the baby to adequately respond to simple phenomena, immunity is not developed and the baby becomes terribly sick at the first infection.

The second no less important reason is the lack of vitamins in the body. It happens that children do not like to eat vegetables and fruits, but lean on flour and soda. Organs do not receive the necessary components and overall immunity becomes lower.

Ecology plays a big role in the formation of immunity. Long-term residence in an ecologically unfavorable territory pollutes the body of people, especially children, since it has not yet fully formed.

It is also possible that there is a genetic predisposition to diseases against the background of chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasons, but to solve the problem,how to raise immunity for a child, you can still use affordable and proven methods. The main thing is to understand what is the reason.

Sometimes the overstrain of the baby is the cause of illnesses. Parents enroll the child in 3-4 sections in addition to lessons and the body, due to lack of rest, cannot cope. It is important to know when to stop.

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How to raise the child's immunity with effective methods

Parents should remember that – it is a normal process of introducing children to the outside world. Of course, if the frequency of SARS does not exceed 6 times a year and does not give major complications. In other cases, do not panic, but find out how to boost your child's immunity.

Best Practices Recognized:

1. strict observance of hygiene rules. Not all bacteria are transmitted through the air, some through tactile contact: dirty hands, clothes. Make it a habit to wash your hands and change your child's clothes when you come home from a walk. So, the risk of catching an infection from the street will decrease;

2. create a favorable microclimate in the child's room. This means maintaining the temperature no higher than 23 ° C and constant ventilation. Be sure to ventilate every 2-3 hours and 10 minutes before bedtime;

Remember, air conditioning – it's not ventilation. It does not supply fresh air, but only circulates room air. Bacteria with infections do not disappear.

3. walks in the fresh air. They are useful to everyone and always, because this is how the child's eyes rest, the respiratory system is being developed. If mothers walk with the kids all the time, then schoolchildren prefer a computer or TV. Take your child for a walk after school or get a dog that he can walk with in the evenings;

4. nutrition and more nutrition. 76% of beneficial bacteria live in the stomach, which affect the immune system and hormones. Therefore, it is important for schoolchildren to eat a balanced diet, avoiding convenience foods and fast food. Try steaming, in the oven, less in the frying pan.

5. restriction in watching TV and computer. Under 12 years of age, the time spent in front of the TV should not exceed 40 minutes a day with breaks and only if the child does not have vision problems. After 12 years, you can up to two hours a day. Try not to exceed these limits;

6. frequently, fruits do not fully saturate the body with vitamins. In such cases, in order to solve the problem of how to raise the child's immunity, they resort to drug therapy. There are many different vitamin complexes in pharmacies. Vitamins B and C will be especially relevant. They increase the body's immunity and resistance to diseases;

7. create a favorable atmosphere in the family. Try not to yell at the child, because even if he does not show it, he is very worried, which in turn affects immunity.

Adhering to simple rules, you will be able to resolve the issue of how to raise the immunity of a child. It is not necessary to resort to expensive drugs and run to an immunologist, it is enough just to pay the necessary attention to the nutrition and lifestyle of a student.

However, don't be overprotective. The child must go through all the difficulties of growing up and getting to know the outside world, which, unfortunately, includes colds.

By increasing immunity, you will not only save your baby from health problems, but also provide a colorful future.

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