Ученые обнаружили метод, как нормализировать высокое давление

Persistent high blood pressure – a problem familiar to many people. And this applies not only to the elderly, but also to quite young men and women. Upward pressure surges may be normal if it is associated with excitement or stress. However, what to do if increased rates are pursued on an ongoing basis? And, above all, it brings poor health, which threatens with more serious health consequences.

The editors of estet-portal.com will talk about what can cause high blood pressure and how to bring it back to normal. 

Permanently high blood pressure: causes of regularly elevated readings

It's worth looking into the sources of the problem. If you know what provokes an increase in blood pressure, this will make the treatment effective. In this case, it is necessary not only to remove the symptom itself, but also to fight the root cause of the disease.

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Permanently high pressure may occur due to the following factors:

  1. Violation of vascular tone – to determine this disease, you will need to pass a general and biochemical analysis of blood, urine, and a cardiogram. Additionally, an ultrasound of the internal organs and an X-ray of the lungs may be required. 

  2. Kidney disease – in this case, high blood pressure is a characteristic sign and one of the first symptoms. If, against the background of high blood pressure, you observe frequent urge to go to the toilet, pain in the kidney area, consult a doctor.
  3. Problems with hormones – in this case, there may be increased weakness, weight loss, trembling in the body, increased heartbeat. 

  4. Medication – painkillers are often the cause of high blood pressure, as well as other drugs that contain caffeine and paracetamol. 

  5. Unbalanced nutrition – an abundance of salty and smoked foods leads to fluid retention in the body. And this provokes an additional load on the vessels. High blood pressure foods such as coffee, and alcoholic or energy drinks. 

  6. Backaches – osteochondrosis, untreated spinal injuries directly affect pressure surges. Especially dangerous are violations in the cervical region – very often this causes persistent hypertension.

Read also: Doctors recommend: what is the daily allowance of salt

Thus, constantly high blood pressure – not a disease in itself, but a symptom of certain problems with the organs of the body. Therefore, go through an examination at the clinic to understand what caused the increase in pressure above normal.

Constantly high pressure: what is dangerous 

What is the danger of high blood pressure, which is constantly observed in a person? First of all, it is the risk of diseases – chronic heart failure, angina. And high blood pressure threatens with a stroke, heart attack – this can cause not only disability, but also death. 

Read also: Risks of hypertension: who is at risk and how to protect yourself


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Also constantly high blood pressure – is the risk of hypertensive crisis. Its symptoms are headaches, shortness of breath, unsteady walking, heart palpitations. A hypertensive crisis, in turn, can lead to a heart attack or stroke, so – an ambulance should be called at the first symptoms.

Constantly high pressure: how to reduce and bring back to normal 

If you have such a problem, you should first of all consult a doctor – this is necessary in order to determine the root cause. It must be treated, strictly following the recommendations of the doctor. But besides this, it is important to heed the following advice:

  • stay away from foods that are high in salt, – this includes smoked meats, semi-finished products, fast food;

  • don't oversalt – it is better to undersalt;

  • reduce the amount of sweets and flour in the diet;

  • do not drink strong tea and coffee, caffeinated drinks;

  • avoid spices;

  • include oily sea fish, nuts, bananas, potatoes and oranges in your diet – these are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and potassium, respectively;

  • eat buckwheat – it has a lot of magnesium, which is good for blood vessels;

  • eat more fruits, beans, garlic;

  • avoid fatty and fried foods – it is better to eat boiled, baked, steamed;

  • drink green tea and natural juices;

  • remove alcohol from your life – or refuse it to the maximum. 


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Also, don't forget that high blood pressure is affected by negative emotions and stress. Try to avoid stressful situations, do not worry about trifles, treat problems philosophically. Do not accumulate emotions in yourself – if you need to throw them out, do it in a form that would not harm others. That is, you don’t need to take it out on loved ones – it is better to leave all the negative, for example, in the boxing hall. But choose an activity that does not harm your health. 

Read also: Coffee lowers or raises blood pressure: what is true and what is myth

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