Вредные советы подруг: ТОП-7 опасных рекомендаций

Soul friends are priceless. Only they are able to listen when it is unbearably bad, support and improve your mood. Such relationships are worth cherishing and preserving for many years. But there is something that shouldn discuss even with the closest and understanding people. This is your relationship with a man. Many of the advice of girlfriends can destroy your personal life. Let's figure out what shouldn't discuss and what recommendations should not listen to .

What and why you shouldn't even tell your closest friends

It is up to you to decide what you can tell about your relationship to other people and what advice from your friends is considered correct. And  still try to remember how many couples you know who quarreled because one of the partners complained about the other. What      say, sooner or later it can reach your man and offend him mortally. Is this really your goal?

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If you want to keep the relationship going, try to be less broadcast about such things:

  • Quarrelations with a man. By talking about conflicts, you give other people the right to interfere in your private life. They use it afterwards and will be very surprised if you try to calm down. Having told a friend about a quarrel in confidence, be prepared that all your acquaintances will consider you a "not" couple, thinking that you are constantly in conflict.

  • Money. All financial issues in a couple should be resolved through compromises. When you're talking to your friends about budget allocation, it's worth remembering that different people spend money differently. They may not understand, judge, and even discuss your balance with other acquaintances. Based on this information, a certain opinion about you or a partner will be formed. Trust me, you won't like it.

  • Sex. If you tell your friend about problems in intimacy, be sure she will not be able to resist spreading this juicy news. And now imagine how your man will react if he finds out about his problems in bed from strangers. This is humiliating.

  • Plans for the future. It               's; And & nbsp; still, try to devote less to strangers in & nbsp; plans for & nbsp; your joint future. Girlfriends will draw far-reaching conclusions, begin to give advice that can be very harmful.

  • Cheings of a partner. If a woman suspects and all the more knows about the betrayals of a loved one, she is terribly tormented. Seems like the most reasonable — speak out in the company of friends. No, this is a big mistake. About & nbsp; such things should be told only to professional psychologists who help solve problems. And it's better for friends and relatives not to know anything.

  • Man's attitude towards girlfriends. It is unlikely your partner is delighted with all your friends. If this is a problem, be sure to discuss it with your man, but don dedicate to the details of your girlfriends. This will end in a broken relationship with either partner or girlfriends.

If you catch yourself planning to discuss some details of your personal life with friends, stop for a second and think if you want your partner to say the same thing to your friends. It can be difficult to hold back, but problems arising from being too frank are even more difficult to solve.

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Girlfriend advice: TOP 7 most harmful recommendations

If a woman can't keep her friends at a distance from her personal life, she has to listen to advice. Don't follow them thoughtlessly. There are recommendations that can destroy relationships without giving anything in return.

Here are the most harmful advice from your girlfriends:

  1. Never call first. Yes, it’s better not to suffer if a man doesn’t call, but to mind your own business. But sometimes the anxiety is so strong that there is no strength to concentrate on something other than a man. In that case, it's easier to call yourself to stop worrying.

  2. Don't dramatize. This is not advice, but the most natural devaluation of your feelings.

  3. Become more feminine. If you put on a skirt and feign weakness, it will not solve your problems, but it will take a lot of energy, because you will have to play a role that is unusual for you. C why would you want to change at all?

  4. Add sex. Established intimate life — that's fine, but besides sex, there are a lot of other things. Intimacy doesn't solve problems. It's up to you to decide how good your sex life is.

  5. Dating nbsp;nice guys. If you're in a relationship, it's best to ignore such advice or follow it in a so that nobody, especially your girlfriends, knows.

  6. Don't go over men. If your girlfriends implicitly hint that you can stay single by giving up unsuccessful relationships, they really think you're second rate. Are they really friends?

  7. Leaving a man. Everyone has conflicts, but it's up to you to decide how deadly this or that act of a partner is for a relationship.

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Often, bad advice is hidden in pretty wrappers words like "You deserve the best". Yes, we are all beautiful, amazing and unique, but similar phrases do not recognize merit at all. They allude to that we meanly used our time in the past and spoil the future. Simply put, in a beautiful form, girlfriends often tell us that they think they are dumber than themselves. So filtering their recommendations is really worth it.

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The main thing about unhealthy advice from friends

Closeness is born from distance — this is true for relationships with both men and    girlfriends. Keep girlfriends away from your personal life, and everything will be fine. Don bring up some topics:

  • Sex and money. These are the most important areas of any person's life. The interest in & nbsp; them is understandable. But it's better not to support it.

  • Quarrelations. You will tell a quarrel once, and then you reap sugary compassionate compassion for years afterwards. Attempts to close the topic will be perceived as rude, because you have already let your girlfriends into your relationship, and getting rid of them is not easy.

  • Your partner's attitude towards girlfriends. You put yourself in front of a choice: a man or a friend.

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Love and appreciate your friends. This is a great happiness — chatting with good people who care about you. But keep away from your relationships with men.  You'll have plenty of other things to talk about.

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